
Friday, July 27, 2018

Knights of the Hinterlands

Greetings People of the Realms!

I would like to officially introduce our Order to you, to let you know who we are and what we stand for.  Our mission is to protect, to aid and cultivate, to fight and to die, in defense of any threat that may destroy the Realms.   The Knights of the Hinterlands are both In Character and Out Of Character. It is not bound to a specific country, but to an ideal. We are here to seek truth wherever it may be found.

The “Hinterlands” are uncharted territories.  Our goal is to explore and to push the boundaries in pursuit of the higher ideal.  To improve ourselves, to help improve others, to improve the world through our actions.  But to do so, we must adventure where others have gone seldom or not at all. We must examine and attempt to understand that which is within us and around us.  We must be willing to accept change in light of discovery.

In our world, in order to be able to defend our Realm and uphold our ideals, martial ability is one of the most important aspects. It hones the mind and thus can improve all skills. No matter your background or vocation, the ability to deftly use all tools available to you is a goal. Improvement of the mind, body and spirit is the focus.
We understand our shortcomings as individuals and seek to be vigilant and to overcome them. We seek the better version of ourselves, and to aid others to their better versions.

Any who squire under this order must swear to uphold the following tenants: Courage, Justice, Mercy, Generosity, Faith, Nobility, Hope. This order is not just for the warriors of you. It is not just for the magical of you. It is also for those that excel in craft, culture, and for those who lead in the arts of this world.
Squires who show excellence in one or more of the tenants of the Order may earn accolades and be called by a new title by those in the Order: Battle Raven (Courage), Star Rider (Justice), Shield Bearer (Mercy), Keystone (Generosity), Sky Seeker (Faith), Dragon (Nobility), and Wayfinder (Hope). One does not need to achieve an accolade to become a Knight of this Order, but such distinctions are held for those who achieve above and beyond expectation. 

When one is knighted, this is not just the beginning of the journey. It is a way of life, an ideal to continue to strive for and uphold. In that regard, knights may also earn further Accolades of distinction in weapons, in magic, and in culture. 

All questions are welcome, please approach us and inquire. We have capacity to also appoint Pages for those who are or feel they are too "young" and wish to see who we are and what we do. We may also consider you an Agent: one who supports the Order, but does not wish to officially follow the path. Our Order is new: it is subject to change and grow. As the Realms shifts and changes, support of all kinds is welcome..

We thank you for your time in learning about us.

Knights of the Order
Sir Therian
Sir Aymise, Dragon
Dame Phoenix Rose. Battle Raven

Lord Sir Radstar
Archdruid Hygar Athame
Rio Greenleaf
