
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Why I Want to Go-Chimeron Questing

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

Chimeron has extensive experience throwing questing events, especially in their open-world style. The lengths to which this event holding team has gone to ensure an immersive weekend for players is very impressive. There will be some traditional Chimeron plots including the Dreaming and exploring Fae, but you may find other snippets from across the Realms as you embark on your quest. The EH’s have also consciously provided content for a variety of play styles including combat, puzzles, and high-intrigue role-play, so there is sure to be something for everyone at this event.

One thing that I think is really worth mentioning is a new mechanic that is being unveiled at Chimeron Questing called “bowing out”. This allows PCs an in-character way of leaving situations that might be uncomfortable or difficult that they might encounter during a quest without negatively impacting their character or those around them. I want to give a big shout-out to Chimeron for being aware of their players’ needs and allowing everyone an easy solution to take care of themselves as needed while out on the quest. Bravo!

And finally, the food (I’m sure you knew it was coming)! Chimeron Questing will feature a tavern all weekend with light snacks, gambling, and shopping so you can take a relaxing break while searching for your next adventure in their open-world style quest. In addition, Saturday night will feature a BBQ dinner, and if you are anything like me, you literally can’t get enough of those this time of year.

This event will have it all, and some really interesting and unique mechanics to boot. Check out dreaming spaces, collect some resource cards, and engage with the ever popular trappings of civilization. The experienced EH staff has clearly well thought out a weekend long event that is sure to interest everyone.