
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Getting to Know Paul "Decion" Fournier by Mike "Panther" Palumbo

All photos from the Southern Waste Gallery
Decion loves fantasy. He started in the very infancy of this game, during a time when there was still so much that hadn't yet been done. In a game where character schtick was wide open, he pioneered the druid, even going so far as to build his sword to resemble a wooden staff with brown duct tape bark and green tape leaves hanging off it every so often.

Dec loves this game. He is obsessed with the realism and immersion elements of the game. Once he and other Folkestoners sat atop a rocky crag in Darkvale, commanded to hold that point, regardless of the rain. The enemy trodd up and down the path, but never made any attempt to take the point up where they were. While the rest of them grumbled about the lack of action and the rain and the waste of time, Dec went on about how real it was, and how that's exactly what people would have had to do in their situation in ancient times. It was sooo real!

Dec loves humor, he has a subversive dry wit that catches you off guard. He loves puns so much that his friends began to hit him when he said one, soon they'd hit him whenever anyone said one, eventually they would demand "somebody hit Dec!" whether he was there or not.

Dec loves his friends, as an original member of Folkestone he considers them his nuclear family, within the larger family of the realms. He wears his colors proudly, gives back to the community, introduced his children to the Realms, and sees the value in every individual.

Dec loves healing. That's not just a game mechanic to him. He can probably count the number of time he's actually swung his sword (stick) in the near 30 years he's been playing, but the number of Heal Limbs, and Raise Deads is likely a record were anyone ever able to record it. The dry erase board in his hospital room says Rise and Fight. He's going to fight to heal.

Dec loves the Realms and the Realms loves Dec.