
Friday, November 23, 2018

The Holiday Question

We hope everyone had a great holiday yesterday! To extend the holiday feeling a little bit, we have a special feature for today's post. The View editors asked various people the IC question: "What are you thankful/grateful for this year?" Below are some of the answers we received, enjoy!

I’m thankful for feast halls lit in warm, fall colors,
and for the sprawling battlefields of victorious summers,
For the glow of the fire on my companions’ faces
And for the tipsy nights like this wasted.
I’m thankful for the coaching, teaching, laughing and screeching,
For all the castles we got down to besieging.
Thankful for dreams, memes, and Queen of Hearts teams,
For shorter night quests, lit up with moonbeams,
For best friends, some who wear my tabard and some who do not,
And for shots--be they flaming, maiming, or careful aiming.
I’m thankful for dancing while holding your hand,
But most of all for the chance to know all of you in these lands

Ezmerelda Chandler
This year, I'm grateful for the same things that I'm grateful for every year. I'm grateful for the family I found. I'm grateful that we're still here. And I'm grateful that the friends that I've lost are still only a seance away.

Laika en’Naur
I am thankful to my Goddess, Aurora, for protecting my body and soul. To the faithful that ever walk in her light together and protect us from the darkness. To Steward Nertail for freeing the slaves of New Verai. To Boom and Nighthawk for reaching a temporary solution to the issue with Garm. To Avendar who has given me the guidance when I needed it most.

As you gather with your friends and family under the hearth and home; there are many who are not so blessed. Consider sharing your table with someone less well off and learn of their life over a warm meal and merriment.

Thoril Chorster
I am thankful for those who I cherish and hope I can continue to keep them safe.

Elric of Rathkeale
I am thankful for the trust Hayden has put in me to let me lead our nation.

I am thankful to have found Voraniss, and that they so lovingly accepted me as one of their own.

I am thankful the encroaching darkness has yet to consume us all, and that there are a few that choose to stand with the light.

...I am thankful I know how to roll and didn't shatter my arm.

This year I'm grateful for you, yes you, the person reading this. You're amazing and deserve great things. Now pat yourself on the back for being awesome!

I'm thankful for the people who inspire me to push myself, be they knights whom I am squired to, other members of Blackwood, the people shoulder to shoulder with me on a quest, or even my opponents at a tournament. They all help me become a better version of myself.

I'm thankful for all the members of Rhiassa. They have all been like family and helped me find out where i want to be.

Her pack being happy and healthy and together XD and chocolate cake!

I’m thankful that the realms kept my meatbag alive…

The free will and the opportunity to control one's own destiny. And pikes. And Tao's Candied Bacon.

I am thankful for those I call friends and family and thankful for the times I’ve spent and will spend with those people.

I’m thankful for my home! I have shelter, and am constantly surrounded by a beautiful ecosystem that provides for me year round. In that ecosystem my dear friends and noble countrymen weather every year by my side, and we stand together as a pillar of unity that even in our darkest hours never waivers or crumbles. I am forever thankful that the gods placed me here and now so that I may enjoy life with the people I can now never imagine living without!

The threads of fate are tangled and their course easiest seen looking back. When I was first stranded in the Realms, I believed myself dishonored and banished, because I thought Midgard needed every sword to fight against Bedlam. Now I know that mere steel was useless in that battle. I have been able to accomplish more for the Norlunds by advocating its cause here in the Realms. I am now thankful that I have had that opportunity. Having outlived almost everything and everyone I knew during the opening days of Ragnarok, and the following attack of Bedlam I felt cursed and unlikely to enter Valhalla to join my ancestors. But in my years of wandering these Realms, seeking another road to that fabled hall, I have found a new home and new comrades and kin. Instead of the honorable death I sought, I have been given new causes and duties to uphold. For all these things I am thankful. I do not pretend to understand the workings of fate or the designs of the gods. But I am thankful that my journey albeit winding, has seemed a worthy one thus far.

Evitta "Evie" Jainrose Blackthorn
This year, I am thankful for the camaraderie I have with my friends of the Realms. At this time last year, I felt sort of lost. I didn’t know many adventurers, and I wasn’t sure which path I wanted to follow. Being welcomed with open arms by so many friends has really shaped who I am today. I’m also thankful for all of the opportunities I’ve been given this year to grow as a healer and a person. I’m always striving to improve myself, and being surrounded by such supportive people definitely helps.

I’m eternally thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to work with the members of Rhiassa over the years, to teach them, to learn from them, and to accomplish great things because of how we work together and care about one another.

This year I'm thankful to have been able to watch Higer and Kindriana, who are two of my dearest friends, develop Voraniss into a great force for good for the realms. I'm thankful to have been able to spend time with my good friends in Rhiassa and Folkestone. I'm thankful to have gained new friends like Cronin, Arturr, and Sir Gwen to name a few.

I'm thankful for the great friends and mentors I've made along the way, who have always been there for me and have pushed me to be the best version of myself.

The thing I'm most thankful for this season is our community. As Neden is preparing for its annual veterans can food drive this is the time of the year I get excited about the most. I get to see our community at its best show up and help those less fortunate have an amazing holiday season. As someone who used to work for Veterans' Northeast Outreach Center, I know personally that each canned good raised is used for someone in need so it's something spectacular to witness when every year we raise a little bit more. Besides our community, I'm truly thankful for my fellow Neden boys who continue to support and help me with all our event holding and merriment throughout the year.

I’m thankful for my friends without whom life would have been short and lonely. For all of the love and support and basically fabulous people i’ve had the honor of having in my life.

I'm always more grateful for people than things. This year I'm grateful for those people from my past, the present, and the future.

Past- My 3 former squires/apprentices (Kaelkatar, Rubis, Saka) who stay active adventuring and continue to contribute to the Realms.
Present- Matiya who has recently taken the position of Regent of Folkestone and whose leadership I'm confident in.
Future- Watching those who have moved from being members of the community to emerging leaders of the community (Shader, Kindriana, Ndahla, and Elouan)

I am thankful for the home Rhiassa has provided for me and the lessons they have taught me about what can be accomplished through teamwork.

I'm thankful for the (mostly) wholesome community that is Rhiassa ;)