
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Why I Want to Go-A Very Merry Yule at Uncle 'Crazy' Cecil's Tavern 2: FOR THE SHINE GORG!!!!!!

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

I can hardly believe that it’s the time of year again to celebrate Yule, but here we are. This is a flagship event for the Realms community, and some of my very best memories in Realms have come from it. If you’ve already decorated everything in your own space and you just can’t get enough, come out Friday to help trim the tree and transform Ye Old Commons into the cheery, festive environment we all look forward to. And if you’re a gambler, stick around for the 50 gold poker tournament on Friday night.

Saturday day there will be questing that I’m sure you won’t want to miss. I’ve had a ton of fun in the past both as a PC and NPC, and I know you will too. I love to see the questing party come in from an epic battle, warm up for a few, scarf a delicious snack, and head back out into the grounds for even more adventures. It’s also a great way to get some last minute exercise in before you stuff yourself silly with food and drink later in the evening.

And of course, it wouldn’t be Uncle Cecil’s without the appearance of Pater Yule and the gift swap. I love watching people unwrap thoughtful gifts and share in the merriment of giving. If you missed the opportunity to get in on either of these, then I encourage you to ooh and ahh over the things our amazing community shares with each other during this season. In the spirit of giving, don’t forget to participate in the auction for War Dogs Making it Home. You can also earn tickets by bringing unopened pet food to the event!

Ultimately what I love most about Cecil’s is the silliness and the love that we all share. Responsibly enjoy a few adult beverages, hug your friends, sit for epic pictures taken by the talented Matt Norris, wear your fanciest headwear, gamble the night away, and relax. Yule is here, and there is no better place to celebrate that then at Uncle Cecil’s.