
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Why I Want to Go - Feast of the Leviathan XXI

By Crystal "Cressida" Welch

I am beyond excited for the Feast this weekend! The Food, the Puzzles, the Games, the Bardic Performances and the View Awards are the best of the best at Leviathan. This will be my third year going and I still remember how much I enjoyed the first two feasts. First off, I have a crazy long list of dietary restrictions and they always WOW me with how much food they make that I can actually consume and thoroughly enjoy. From the starter courses to the delectable desserts, I have yet to be disappointed and I cannot wait to see what surprises they have in store this year. I am also excited for the addition of a dry bar and the open space concept that is being tried out this year. Being able to walk around and spend time with friends, while food is being served on a platter, sounds like a great way to keep socializing without having to stop to feed myself every so often! I can already tell I will not be leaving hungry.

I am also excited to enjoy the annual puzzles and games. I am not much of a gambler, but I did have a lot of fun playing Merchant Barons last year and I am excited to try out the new and improved version. Plus the Gilded Lion Carnival is always a hoot! As a bard, I greatly enjoy watching other bard’s perform and the promise of a staged area this year is amazing! I would go if only to watch the wonderful performances and hang out with fellow bards and bardic fans. You never know what stories will be told or sung at the Feast and it would stink to miss out on a new piece!

On top of the fabulous food, puzzles, and performances, there is recognition for those who have kicked ass this year. I love watching the smiles on peoples’ faces as they win View Awards for all of their hard work. Also I know I voted, so I’d like to see the people I voted for win in person instead of hearing about it after the fact. All of that and more is why I Want to Go to Feast of the Leviathan XXI.