
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Summary of New Rules for 2019

Compiled by PI Fisher


Enchant Weapon, Protect the Soul, and Disenchant moved from 3rd circle to 2nd circle. If you have Seed of Life, you get two props, but you can’t chant anymore. Two people at once, two minutes each. You can now have 2-point padded cloth armor, which sounds great for questing at UCCT! If you have Alchemy, you need a separate sigil for each spell circle that Power Potion can reset. If you put a number in your sigil, that counts as different.

The “scalping” mechanic has been renamed. If you want to “render a body soulless”, you must “destroy the body”. This is just a renaming; the mechanic is completely unchanged.

Editorial Changes (18)
  • Remove Arrows from Weapon Construction Chart
    • Remove duplicate wording that’s repeated two paragraphs later
  • Clarify How Bow Poundage Is Determined
    • Bow poundage is full draw weight, not your draw weight
  • Move Regional Magic out of Basic Magic Effects Everyone Should Know
    • Move Regional Magic and Alchemy into new section
  • Clean up choosing spells.
    • Replace outdated wording
  • Clarify Regeneration Caveats
    • Advanced Regeneration only bring you back from being scalped if specified by the spell. (Specifically, if specified by Regenerate the Scalp.)
  • Strange Brew Wording Fix
    • Record potions chosen in your spellbook, rather than writing them down wherever you feel like
  • Put "Event-Stealable" in MC for Embrace Death, Familiar
    • The spell descriptions say the MCs are Event-Stealable, but the MC requirement at the top doesn’t mention this.
  • Remove pointless sentence from Light
    • The last sentence of Light tells you that it’s a first circle spell?
  • Remove duplicate construction rules for Lightning Bolts
    • Lightning Bolt construction is covered both under weapon construction and under the spell description. Keep it under weapon construction and remove it from the spell description.
  • Modify Cantrip, Implement, Strange Brew interaction
    • Makes bad wording good. (Look, I’m not getting paid by the word or anything.)
  • Move Death Watch's spell description out of the AC.
    • Death Watch lasts until you stop being dead. That’s how the spell works. It’s not part of the AC. Also update the wording in Implement to match.
  • Fix Circle of Healing
    • Circle of Healing says you can cast spells, but it doesn’t quite say you need to follow the rules for those spell, I guess? Make that more explicit.
  • Reword Alcohol Policy
    • Replace bad wording with good wording.
  • New section heading between spell chart and spell descriptions
    • It may seem silly, but I have a reason for this. The formatting in the Omnibus is currently very inconsistent. To make it more consistent, this would help.
  • Clarify how many times familiar may be learned.
    • You can have 20 points of Familiar if you really want to, I guess.
  • Material Components for Group Healing
    • If the spell has an MC, one MC is used per casting, even if multiple people are in the circle.
  • Define Legal Event Holder for Emergency EH Meetings
    • During an emergency EHC, who can vote? Everyone from the previous EHC plus any EHs from the current calendar year.
  • Clarify Transformation Miscellaneous Abilities:
    • There are some spells you can spend Transformation points on. For these, each time you transform, you get as many uses as a normal learning gives. 

Props/Garb (2)
  • Adding Clarification to Leather Armor thickness
    • Specify what weight of leather counts as 1 point (2-4 oz.) vs. 2 points (5+ oz.)
  • Updated Cloth Armor Rules.
    • Allow for 2 point cloth armor

Language Changes (1)
  • Scalping Overhaul
    • Instead of “scalping” a body, you destroy it to render it soulless. No mechanical change.

Administrative Changes (2)
  • Events Must Be Advertised on RealmsNet
    • If possible, events must be advertised on Realmsnet. Other options exist as backups. My plan to announce the next Saurabian event only on this blog has been ruined before I even got around to asking the rest of the team.
  • Yearly Status Report From The Arbitration Committee
    • Each EHC, the AC will publish a public report (on Realmsnet) summarizing the reports they received in the previous year.

Spell Changes (5)
  • Require Power Potion to be Labeled with level
    • If you have Alchemy, you must have different sigils for different circles of Power Potions. It’s fine to use the same sigil plus a number for the circle.
  • Move some 3rd circle spells to 2nd circle
    • Enchant Weapon, Protect the Soul, Disenchant
  • Enchant Weapon/Assassin's Blade Clarification
    • You can now enchant a bow with Enchant Weapon. If you shoot an enchanted arrow from an enchanted bow, you pick one of the calls, and you expend a call from each.
  • Fix Protect the Soul glitch
    • The only reason this might not count as editorial is if you think “possession, Animate Undead, and the like” is different from “possession, compulsion, and similar effects as determined by the MM/EH”. I’d put it under Editorial, but Dave thinks it might be a power boost to the spell, and I suspect a bunch of people will ignore something if I say it’s editorial. Blame Dave for this long blurb.
  • Double Seed of Life
    • You get two props. You can’t chant to double the regeneration speed.