
Friday, March 22, 2019

Humanizing the Realms: Tucker "Temorse" Noyes

Humanizing the Realms - Tucker "Temorse" Noyes 

1. What do you do outside of the game? What would you like to be doing? (Work, school, projects, etc.)

I work in operations at my current company, and I very much so enjoy doing it. I am working in an emerging market at a startup and every day is different. It’s been a very interesting experience so far and I look forward to seeing it through.

2. What hobbies do you enjoy other than LARP?

I am a big fan of anything one can do with friends, board games, hiking, concerts, and a few video games. I love music. I know that I have a reputation in the community for liking country music, which does have a special place in my heart, but I do enjoy a wide array of music.

3. Favorite meal, dessert, and drink?

Well a favorite dessert is easy, because it is, objectively, the best dessert; the pizzelle. Meal is much harder to say, I like a variety. I think its hard to beat a good plate of sushi or a warm bowl of mushroom risotto though. For drink I would have to go with the Rum Bucket, especially if you have some nice warm weather and a beach on hand. If other drinks were any good, they would come in a bucket size too.

4. If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would it be? Would you bring anyone?

Somewhere new. I have had the privilege to be able to travel for work in the past, as well as being able to do some traveling on my own which I enjoy, but the most enjoyable experience I find is going somewhere new.

5. Are you working on any life goals that you’re willing to share?

I don’t get to travel quite as much as I like, so I would like to be able to increase the amount I travel in the short term. I would like to visit all the continents at some point, and more specifically each distinct region of that continent.

6. Favorite outfit other than garb?

Some people consider me a utilitarian, they are not wrong. A comfortable pair of jeans and a sweatshirt go a long way in my book.

7. Do you have any professional or personal skills you’d be willing to talk about?

I am generally an organized person, which is one of the reasons I enjoy EHing.

8. What drew you to the realms, and what keeps you there?

When I was younger myself and a handful of friends, some of which who still play, would go out into the woods and beat the daylights out of one another with very thick wooden dowels. One of those people had a connection to Dan Diamond who introduced us to the Realms. What keeps me here is certainly the community of people who I have come to appreciate very deeply. There are times where we have struggles or problems, but, by in large in my opinion the vast majority of people work towards doing the right thing and strengthening the community. Additionally to the community at large, pretty much all of my closest friends are here, many of them in the group that I get to play the game and throw events with.

9. Favorite movies/shows/books?

I am a big fan of the classic nerd genres, fantasy, comic movies, some sci fi, and all the big franchises those entail. I also am a pretty big fan of satire, Vonnegut is one of my favorites. I highly recommend the series of essays and short stories published after his dead by his son, Armageddon in Retrospect, as one of his works that you may not know about.

10. If you happened upon 3 wishes, what would they be? (Wishing for more wishes doesn’t seem to work...)

I am going to go with selfish wishes, as I feel like there are a lot of basic world improvements that would make you a horrible person if you didn’t wish for, and that wouldn’t really be very interesting to see every installment of this piece.

1. To have just a modicum of musical talent. Never has so one who so enjoys music has been cursed with such a lack to carry a tune

2. Probably for a wooden doll to become a real boy, because I have always felt Geppetto from Pinocchio did a real terrible job, and I would like to prove how badly he messed up. I mean think about it, all the guy wanted was to have a kid and like the next day after his wish granted, he just sends him out in the world to go to school. Seriously guy? He is only like 18 hours old, he doesn’t understand how anything works! You can’t spend a few weeks with him before forcing him into school for six hours a day? And furthermore, when your one-day old magical puppet child goes missing, why is your first instinct to look for him at sea? On second thought, I probably shouldn’t be responsible for another person. Can I change this one to comfy socks?

3. The ability to absorb food through my skin in a process like photosynthesis.