
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

What You Missed - Divine Intervention I (photos)

[Editor's Note: all photos by View Staff]

The heroes emerge onto the scene facing off against an army of Rexan's followers.

The heroes fight their way into the area before the temple to Justari.

An odd puzzle made of grave markers sits in front of the temple door.

Heroes hunt down Aspis and use magic gloves granted to them by Justari to  purify their souls.

The heroes work to solve the puzzle by unlocking the sigils of Justari

Upon opening the temple the heroes encounter the avatar of Justari, the Red Knight

The heroes discuss the need to unlock the important but dangerous artifacts sealed away in the temple.

Solving one of the locks with an aqueduct puzzle.

Sir Vawn promises the Red Knight that the artifacts will be returned when their quest is over.

Painting an image to unlock another artifact.

Another artifact would be unlocked by synchronizing in harmony.

One artifact was simply locked away and needed deft and roguish hands to free.

Another item was unlocked by making stained glass according to the pattern.

And yet another artifact required moving around pegs to create a specific pattern.

The stained glass nears completion.
The Red Knight tells the adventurers they must leave.

Opening the door, the Champion of Rexan stands to do battle. The Red Knight charges forth.

A battle against the aspis army.

The heroes line up to fight demons while devising a way across the river Styx.

By hanging off of suspended ropes the players work their way across the river.

Ropes are connected by color to make a stable way forward.

Players refine soul essence in Gaol to create their soul tokens

Putting soul tokens together

Vawn meets Dalendana and agrees to become the Avatar of Vandor

Vawn, now the Avatar of Vandor, having defeated the death knights in Garm's courtyard

The assembled avatars use their strength to open the doors to Garm's fortress

The heroes clash against Asmodius

Garm, impaled on his throne, sits motionless
Garm, freed from his throne, lashes out in fury at those who rescued him

Vawn absorbs Garm's blows with his shield

Garm's daughter Dalendana works to tame his fury

Sir Vawn, in the Summerlands, reunited with his wife.

Sir Vawn addresses and thanks those who helped him complete this quest.