
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

WIWTG: Divine Intervention 1

As an event holder I look for opportunities to create stories for people. That might seem obvious, but I mean it on several levels. I want to write a story that makes sense, and that peaks my player’s interests. I want to hold an event that players tell stories about for years to come.

I want to hold an event that players tell stories about before it even happens.

Over the last several months I’ve been following along as this event has been coming into fruition, and it’s lining up to be just that sort of event.

For those of your not lucky enough to be in the know, this event is Vawn’s quest. He’d probably have me killed if I let out his secrets, but I can tell you it’s been a long time since I’ve seen someone so invested in a plot. Since I’ve seen someone so invested in a single event. So much so it’s contagious and the people around him are becoming invested, and working hard as well. It’s rejuvenating. .

From the player’s side, I’ve seen charts, and diagrams, documents for plans, I’ve seen tactical practices, and weapons making. I’ve seen a ton of casting going into gathering information, and these are just the bits that I’ve observed.

And that’s just the player’s side. On the staff side, I’ve seen hours and hours of patient marshaling of magic at unrelated events. I’ve seen requests for NPCs, and while I haven’t had the opportunity to see any of the props going into it, I have heard the whispers.

So why do I want to go to this event? Because an army will be marching off into the unknown. Because weapons will clash. Because the community has come together in rousing interest.

Because of the stories.

I’ll see you on the field,

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn