
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Some Parting Words for Vawn

 People of the Realms were asked the question: "If your character could send a short message to Vawn in the Summerlands, what would it be?" The answers follow:

“Save a horn of ale, I’ll be along in due time. Until then my sword will continue to be a friend to Eagle’s Rook in your absence.” -- Torolf

"Enjoy the endless days of fighting, drinking, and being with ones you love." --Syruss

Thank you for showing me that many can rise to be heroes and that not everyone’s story needs to end in death. 
May your mead be crisp and the blue Summerlands skies always stay as beautiful as your beloved.”

“In a world where even the most "good" of good guys commit evil acts daily, you stood as a pillar of what was right. The distinction between right and good is something I always found in your decisions, and is something I took to heart. While our idea of "right" wasn't, isn't, and probably never will be the same, I believe the lessons you inadvertently taught me were some of the most important to keeping me from going off the rails. You are a true Hero among heroes, and I don't use the term Hero lightly.”  -- Nos

“Honor carried you through life, let it be your companion in death.” --Tao

“Spread word of option 3 to Valhalla for us. If things don't work in our favor, we’ll meet you there.” 

“You've done a lot of good, and we're going to miss you.” --Tirvanel

“I’ve never been a sentimental person, but sometimes seeing the people you know rise up to meet their challenges with unwavering strength does something to a person. I’ve given you so much crap over the years, trying to keep you on your toes; but you never faltered. Those unbending morals and force of will were things I always respected in you. I will carry those memories with me always, and strive to be a better Knight and Templar because of them.” --Hygar

“Vawn, I miss you already. You were more than a hero or a Knight to me. You were my friend and you always gave the bestest hugs. I take solace in knowing you are close to Vandor now, and I know you will make all of us Templars proud. You already have.” ---Kindrianna

"I am grateful to have known you, proud to have fought alongside you, and pleased that you have finally achieved your goal. Take care, Sir Vawn." -Saka

“Sir Vawn,
While you are there, you may want to seek out the Green Knight. In the beginning of Eagle's Rook, we had to pass through the Summerlands and the toll was we needed to behead him (he did not die and put his head back on very shortly after he found it again). He had claimed he would ask for the same in return. I have been back 3 times since and not found him. Should you find him, or he find you, and demand his price, tell him to seek me in Deep Fae and I will resolve this obligation for Eagle's Rook. 

Death Before Dishonor,
-Sir Pyr “

“Guess I’m not your nightmare anymore (wink). Save a seat and a drink for me, I’ll be there soon enough!” -- Makhta

"I've always admired the warmth with which you greeted your companions in the feast hall as well as the wrath with which you smite'd your foes in the field. You were a paragon of actions speaking louder than words in this world, and I hope you find peace in the next. I will never forget you."
-- Captain Orion

"In your time as an adventurer, you led from the front and by example. You were a shining beacon on the battlefield; truly an example for any of us who strive to do good. You may be gone from the Realms, but your impact will live on. Enjoy your rest; I can think of few others who have so thoroughly earned it." -- Sir Elouan

"Sir Vawn, thank you for always being there and for aiding in my rescue. Forever grateful." 
--Newt of Mythguard

"Sir Vawn, I didn't know you personally, but I knew of you as an honorable hero. Rest well."
-- Squire Hildegarde of Rhiassa

"Thank you for being an example to follow. In 1006 when I emerged from Fort Oakenbrook you were one of those I aspired to be." -- Squire Bree of Rhiassa

“Okay, you win. I’ll donate that ten gold to the Eagle’s Rook orphanage fund.” -- Lord Sir Aeston

"Dear Sir Vawn, 
In your new home, May the combat armoring always arrive in a timely manner. May your white tabbard always stay dazzling even on the muddiest of battlefields. Thanks for the years of adventure and debate.
-- Lady Tarnisha"

"I'm told you're to thank for halting my consumption by Bedlam. I owe you a debt, and I wish you a joyous retirement." --Rox Foulpuke

"Sir Vawn, enjoy your well-earned rest. You will be missed, but never forgotten." --Sir Kyntela

"Vawn, I wish I had better words to tell you that I'll miss you. Thank you for being an example for me throughout the years. I'll always strive to make you proud, and of course, I'll make sure that all quests include extra puns, I know how much you loved them."
-Lord Sir Gwen

"You will be missed, but I guess we couldn't hog you forever--the Summerlands needed some of your wisdom an courage as well.

P.S. Did you remember to bring chocolate for the ladies of the Summerlands?" --Shader

"He was a lord and a knight and he used his sword arm well.
He had to do what he could before old age sent him off to hell.
He said the death knight he grabbed the king's sword.
And he ain't gonna fight no more.

Gory glory, what a helluva way to die.
Gory glory, what a helluva way to die.
Gory glory, what a helluva way to die.
He ain't gonna fight no more.

The portal closed behind him no more time for last regrets.
It was do or die so he tried his very best.
He glared into Evil's eye as he drew the blade from dear Garm's chest.
And he ain't gonna fight no more.

Gory glory, what a helluva way to die.
Gory glory, what a helluva way to die.
Gory glory, what a helluva way to die.
He ain't gonna fight no more.

There was blood on his footsteps, a grave of a whole plane.
A mountain range of skulls were carved up in his name.
Asmodeus rotted in irons and he knew just what to blame.
And he ain't gonna fight no more." --Anonymous

"Lord Vawn, you left before I got to thank you. Thanks for showing me what it means to always fight the good fight, no matter the cost. What it means to be a beacon of light in a dark place. To sally forth and achieve your destiny, no compromises, with honor and valor all the way. The bards will sing of your triumphs, for a man of your character is worth remembering." --Swoop

"Tell Baba the joke, you know the one... People think he's some kind of hero. Also, let us know when it's okay to visit." -- Dame Freesia

"Vawn, it is an honor to have known you for all these years. You are a pillar of our lands and an example to all of what a true knight is and should strive to be. It's hard to find the exact words to express what I feel, so I will just say that we will miss you terribly, and I will think of you fondly whenever I am in a kitchen during a feast using the Yule gift you so thoughtfully and meticulously crafted for me. Enjoy your retirement with your love." -- Areni