
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Why I Want to Go-Feast of Chimeron XXVII

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

Feast of Chimeron is a staple event on our Realms calendar, and considering that this event is *almost* as old as I am, it’s no wonder why. However, for an event to attain such an age and following, it must adapt to the changing needs of our community while retaining the essence that defines it. And Feast of Chimeron XXVII has definitely done that this year--providing us with contests, games, lessons, portals and more!

See what the creators and crafters and the Realms have to offer by participating in or watching one of the various contests of skill being offered. If you love games, there will be a Game Design tournament featuring brand new games designed by event-goers and judged by players. If you love seeing how people put together epic outfits, plan to check out the garb competition, featuring presentations of found, re-purposed, and pattern-based outfits. This year’s bardic competition promises to be epic, especially with the new format that recognizes all bards with a special sash and yearly patches for participation.

For those of you who love to learn, several exciting Highbridge correspondence courses will be offered throughout the day, including:

  • Game Theory 202: Tournament Poker
  • Armorcrafting 101: Bracers 
  • So You Want To Be A Herald
  • WISDOM 122: Questing Skills - Beyond Spells and Sword
  • WISDOM 105: Rune Solving
  • A History of Vandor

You’ll also have the opportunity to move plot forward by participating in the Council of War, where Captain Orion will be leading a discussion of plans to move towards the defeat of the Fallen King. Additionally, Sir Rel will be leading small explorations into parts of the Portal of Gi.

If that weren’t enough, you can lighten your pockets at the Chimeron Casino or Chimeron shop, which both sound like excellent ways to spend the gold you’ve been collecting all winter. There will also be a Stacked Deck Tournament if you are looking to put some points on the board early this year (and maybe win some gold too!)

With all these amazing activities planned for us “grown-ups", Rhiassan Cub Care will be returning to make sure the wee ones are covered too. Isla has lots of fun projects planned and there will be time for our youngest adventurers to craft and  play together.

There are so many exciting opportunities for fun and learning at this feast that I almost (!) forgot about the food. But don’t worry-- Mistress Aymise has got you covered there too. There will be undoubtedly be delicious delicacies delivered throughout the day and you’ll have an opportunity to show off your best feast gear in the process. What more could you ask for? And while you are digesting (and of course, preparing for dessert), you’ll be able to give your attention to the goings on at Royal Court led by King Cecil.

Feast of Chimeron XXVII--be there, or be square!