
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Chi Balance Game from Feast of Teng Hua

by Zach Senchuk

Chi Balancing is a game played on a board of forty spaces with seven types of tile. Each type of tile represents one of the seven elements. There are three types of tile within each element: Black, Silver, and Gold. The game is cooperative and can be played with as many people as you would like to work with. The object of the game is to sort all of the elements to be adjacent to each other. This is done by making one of two moves. You and your group may swap any two tiles of the same color (Ex: two fire tiles), or any two tiles of the same color symbol (Ex: two gold tiles). While this can be described as a game, it is just as much an exercise in cooperation and communication. Each move you and your group make should be recorded, while the spread of every game may be random, trying to beat your own record will help your efficiency should you ever need to balance chi beyond the great halls of the emperor. Thank you for those of you who participated at the Feast of Teng Hua.