
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Community Post #1 - Results

 The results from the first Community Poll!

The results from the first community poll, in which we start to take a closer look at our origins

How did you come in to the game?
  • Saw people at a fight practice
  • SMAC
  • Friends (11)
  • WPI/ WPI SMAS (6)
  • I worked with Kathy Journeay/Queen Meg
  • Famliy friend Joe Fantasia
  • College friends who had just started playing.
  • I was brought in from another LARP and I liked this one more
  • Started dating a Realmsie
  • Some friends had played years before and suggested trying it
  • Someone in my art class happened to bring in some boffers to make and I asked them about it. We became friends and he brought me to my first event
  • I saw Hillary Fotino walking down the dorm hall with a foam sword, and I followed her
  • Andrew Adams (Emperor Lysis)
  • Through DnD friends who play
  • My boyfriend, now husband, told me about the game. It sounded like fun and I wanted to go to an event. 
  • Husband 
  • Got curious looked online and one had practice in my backyard basically went over got hooked
  • Henry Giasson
  • Swoop
  • On foot after a decent car ride.
  • River Hawk practice, then 3 years later a coworker brought me to my first event.
  • My dad, Decion
  • Joe Poepora aka reb brought to folkstone practice 
  • I sought out Chimeron's practice. Shortly after they brought in much of the WPISFS.

What was your first event?

  • Sca light weapons event 1981
  • Tournaments of Rhiassa, 1997
  • Black and White
  • Creathorne, I think
  • Feast of Blackwood 3
  • QoH and Feast of Leviathan
  • Technically TOC 16, but when I came back, Feast of Creathorne 
  • Black and White '98
  • FoChim 1997
  • Water war
  • North South war
  • Big Game Hunt
  • Black and White 2005
  • (sigh) Chaos Remembered
  • ToC in 93 or 94
  • Uncle Cecil’s 
  • Black and White 2018
  • Tournament of Blades
  • ToC
  • Black & White 2007
  • A Midnight Breaks In Storm
  • Nedengiving 2017
  • Tournaments of Creathorne 7
  • Black and White
  • ToC
  • I NPC'd the Event Which Must Not Be Named II
  • Neden BBQ 2018
  • Feast of Blackwood, 95
  • Feast of Leviathan 2014
  • Black & White 2014
  • Tournament of Tunics
  • That Which Escapes Us
  • Queen of Hearts 2
  • ToC 2016
  • Feast of Leviathan
  • Tournaments of Creathorne 1997
  • Storytellers 2012
  • Beyond the Hag and Hungry Goblin
  • I seriously don’t remember the name of the event... and the archive on RealmsNet doesn’t go back that far.  It was at UMass Amherst in 1991.
  • Fall 1990 Lackey's Plague Event.