
Friday, July 19, 2019

Why I Want to Go: A Rafting We Will Go (Again!)

by Lani (Gwen) Jones

On Saturday, members of Folkestone will be hosting another of the “A Rafting We Will Go” events. Fortunately, if you weren’t able to be a part of the first one which was run for charity a couple of weeks ago, the EH staff will be hosting this epic quest of tubular proportion once again. Since it had to be rescheduled because of weather, this is not an official event, but that will in no way affect how awesome it is going to be! I’m psyched to be able to help Teng Hua while simultaneously catching some waves and rays with my fellow Rhiassans and you! There are still a few slots open for this capped raft-questing event that is pushing the boundaries of what we’ve seen in the Realms so far. I have been long-looking forward to the opportunity to experience a truly innovative take on questing that I am sure that this staff will make great waves with. If Feast of Teng Hua is any indicator of this staff’s ability to create an immersive and interesting world that will keep everyone in-character and engaged throughout, then I honestly can’t even begin to imagine the wonders in store for us this weekend. Balancing an immersive plot with killer mechanics is what this team excels at, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to continue to participate in the story they are telling. Stay tuned for the low-down on this thrilling event, and also, to find out whether or not I end up with a tan or a burn of monstrous proportions.