
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Why I Want to Go-Tournaments of Blackwood VIII

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

It feels like it’s been a few weeks (or months now) since I’ve had the opportunity to test my fighting (and casting!) prowess and I’m looking forward to hitting Tournaments of Blackwood this weekend to scratch the itch. This event features all of the things that I love: fighting, food, and questing. Additionally, I hear that there is going to be a bachelor party and since I plan on being one of those for an awful long time, it seems like my kind of event.

In honor of this Stag and Doe event, there will be some old favorite tournies and some brand new ones as we start the journey of wishing Sir K and Sir Jinx a long, and happy life together. Can’t wait to see what Sir Saegan has in store for these fesitvies. Additionally, it wouldn’t be Tournaments of Blackwood without some explosives and monsters to defeat during the dark, dark night. As for me, you’ll find me on the tournament field, sipping an ice cold adult beverage, LARPing responsibly, and enjoying the company of all my favorite people (which is generally determined by who else feels like sipping on adult beverages with me, again, responsibly).

Bring your bug repellent, bring your appetite, bring your gear, and bring your best celebratory self as we come together for Tournaments of Blackwood VIII. I look forward to seeing you there.