
Friday, September 6, 2019

Rumors for September 1019

((If you wish to follow up on any of these rumors, please contact Ryan Welch))

[Across the Realms]

As Summer begins to turn to Fall  the air crisp and a chill begins to creep its way through the realms, darkness creeps in at earlier times and so do a many number of undesirable creatures.
In particular talk of a thief has begun circulating again, more specifically within Chimeron. A certain thief by the name of the Black Dagger.

[Sapphire Isle]

in the middle of last month, word started to circulate that a large fire burned two thirds of Sapphire Isle’s coffee plantation.  Two store houses also were lost in the blaze on the western side of the island further south of Sapphire Harbor which thankfully was unscathed.  It’s is suspected that it was vandalism, but an investigation is on going.  While no lives were lost, there were burn injuries from those trying to fight the fire.  It is unclear at this time how the damage will impact Sapphire Isle’s coffee trade future but it is not a surprise that this will be a hard loss and recovery for the island.

[Unclaimed Land/Ocean]

After the reported fires at Sapphire Isle some weeks later, four ships sailed into the Blackwood side of The Dark Isle.  The lead ship was flying three flags each with different lettering, S.H.G, M.H. and, E.B.Co.  The other ships were flying flags of singular-multicolored stars.  The word at port was that the lettered flags represented the trading companies Seehandelsgilde, Mitrasperanische Hanse and the East Blackwood Company.  Ambassador Dagger of Blackwood was on this ship.  He only stepped foot into the island for a day while his ship refitted and prepared for another journey southward which was away from the Royal Wedding.  Why is anyone’s guess.

The remaining three ships, however, were heavily laden with cargo and all flew the Star of the West which is the sigil of Mythodea’s Western Seal.  The captain of one of the Western Seal ships is reported to have demanded to see Sayeh of Sapphire Isle before he emptied the holds of his ships.  The chatter from the crews was loud enough in the tavern and around the docks.  The ships were there to provide relief supplies for Sapphire Isle.