
Thursday, September 26, 2019

What You Missed at: Feast of Blackwood

By Ed "Tuilli" Drummond

Kyuram and I arrived a day late to the start of festivities due to running relief up to the Sapphire Isle after their recent tragedies. Once we arrived in Blackwood proper, we set up camp and met up with the Broken Spears to get the low-down on what was happening. I spend a good majority of my time following along my siblings-in-arms in the Spears, as well as attending to Dagger of Blackwood, visiting from the lands beyond the Fog to the East.

While out with a scouting party, we encountered some elves which were gathering components of something. While talking with the elves to determine our next goal, we found that the agents of Change among us were already ahead of us and had not only gathered the components we were seeking, but had made a rather lucrative contract with the elves and were paid in gold for their service. Soon after we discovered an area occupied by a particularly powerful creature which had to be surrounded on two sides by two people chanting a specific incantation to be affected by our weapons. We also found creatures who were very fond of turning adventurers against their friends. We were able to eliminate that threat and move on.

Soon after, we discovered some sort of spirit trapped in a castle. We discovered through trial and error that there were what appeared to be golden bones that needed to be collected, along with a vessel to hold them. We were able to gather up the required parts to free the spirit; there are unsubstantiated reports that this may have been an old flame of Syruss. Spirit freed, we were able to return to the tavern to regroup.

While others gathered something to enable a gnomish workshop to build a construct to defeat the dark power facing us later, I looked on as agents of Change were discussing the fate of the banners that were discovered with another group, to which they agreed on the single fact that it seemed we were doing the dirty work for an "evil god".

At one point, a ritual was called to drive corruption out of something, led by Gavin the Green, to which they called on one of the deities native to Blackwood that was similar to Vandor. Potential vessels were called forward, and the god found Cronin Barbaria worthy and heard the plea of the ritual, assisting our forces.

Our forces at one point had to storm an area that had some powerful protection. Only by running as fleet-footed as possible were we able to move faster than their weapon blows, we got through the security. Once at the base where we fought long and hard. They couldn't stop all of us, so we finally were able to probe our way into the base to see what they were hiding. We were able to secure everything we needed and headed back to regroup before moving onto our next waypoint.

Proper nightfall brought out the dark power that we needed to defeat. The forces of the Realms were able to build a construct, although keeping it powered was difficult. Through some flavor of Bardic Magic, Goosyrus was able to help empower the construct to swing strong enough to affect the adversary, surrounded by lesser demons and shadows. After a long hard fight, we were able to defeat it and the night was won.

The following day, it finally came time to gather for the celebration. We all gathered at the Amphitheater to wait for the bride to arrive, while water wyrms and dragons played in the lake behind us. Once Sir Tao was able to determine the proper section of the Book of Blackwood to read from, a lovely service was conducted, and we were all led back to the tavern for a proper celebration.

There was a grand presentation of gifts to the newlyweds, including a rousing performance of a song by Dagger and I (as authored by Dagger), as well as a number of opulent gifts and fantastic food. To top it off, for his services running the East Blackwood Company (and presenting a mountain of paperwork to the royal couple), Dagger was inducted as a Knight of Blackwood.

All in all, a fine celebration, although the ceremony and after party itself was surprisingly bloodless.

Thanks to all of Blackwood for a great party and event. It was a blast! I also really enjoyed the regionals this year, they were pretty great and the corrupted arm was SO MUCH FUN!

Remember to send in a review if you haven’t already!