
Friday, October 11, 2019

Rumors for October 1019

If you wish to follow up on any of these rumors, please contact Ryan Welch; he will direct you to the appropriate marshal.

[Across the Realms]

An entity was seen singing
               This year
               No fear
               Came to fight
               Steer clear
               Demons attacked
               Comprehension lack
               Rock lock
               Orders stack
               Enter den
               Up again
               Try harder
               Letters rend


One day after King K and Queen Jinx were wed, the ship known as the Hell's Bucket left from Portsmouth Harbor in Folkestone with Freesia at the helm and a banner exclaiming "Just Married". Rumor has it, Freesia did not tell K or Jinx where they were going, just that that they were going to have the "Honeymoon of a lifetime!". According to sources, Freesia also never told them when they were coming back, she just threw back her head and said with a laugh "Good luck, Seagan!"
Around Castle Clontarf Tao can be heard yelling about missing things. His family and servants keep reporting instances of him not remembering important things and are just chalking it up to that. While it is possible to just blame it on his advanced age, others think a more magical reason is responsible.


Squads of Chimeronian rank-and-file militia have been dispatched to help certain farms harvest as the harvest approaches. A common trait among the farms receiving the aid is that they are either owned by or employ former Risen Kingdom soldiers. Some of the farms have rejected the Militia, after which point those troops promptly returned to their normal duties. The Militia squads appear to be only lightly armed, although are reportedly equipped with two weeks worth of rations. Those travelling to smaller farms are usually accompanied by a wagon full of simple farming equipment.
A medium-sized convoy of Chimeron Militia wagons and troops departed Chimeron City and was traveling west towards the Invictus border, apparently destined for Wendmore. The troops in the convey seem to be armed for guard duty, rather than for a military campaign as previous conveys have been.


Rumor around the Neden campfire lately is that their potential new recruit, Rook, ate 26 live rabbit heads just to collect the eyeballs.

[New Verai]

Promised shipments of grain from Creathorne have begun to arrive. The people are filling stores for the coming winter and are extremely grateful.