
Friday, November 29, 2019

The Holiday Question: Thanksgiving Edition

We hope everyone had a great holiday yesterday! To extend the holiday feeling a little bit, we have a special feature for today's post. The View editors asked various people the IC question: "What are you thankful/grateful for this year?" Below are some of the answers we received, enjoy!

"What are you thankful/ grateful for this year?"

"What I am thankful for? Hmmmm so many things and people really...But here are a few: all of my Neden brothers and friends I have made throughout the realms, yes you...yup even you in the back.

I am grateful for good whiskey and bad whiskey mixed in good drinks.

I am thankful for cornhole and portals.

But mostly I am thankful that I get to share all my joy with you the loyal readers of the View. Stay classy"

- Love and Kisses,
Lord Sir Syruss O'Leary of Neden

“This year I'm thankful for finding new friends when I thought I couldn't and growing closer to a couple of friends I've known for years. This has been a great year.”  -Sir Avendar

“Killian gives thanks to Ashenmark and all of our Ashenfriends for always creating a good time. I am also thankful for Garm being freed from his restraints so that I can now follow my God to the best of my abilities. And I'm also thankful for dogs because they make everything better” -Sir Killian

“I'm thankful for the family I have in Rhiassa. And that my ship no longer leaks.” - Squire Hildegarde

“What am I thankful for? Well for starters, swords. They get straight to the point and how can I forget shields, they’re total life savers! But joking aside, I’m thankful for quite a few people in Invictus. This year they have helped me become more well rounded on and off of the field. Such as Sir Randolf teaching me how to build a castle, Wrath training endlessly with me, and Sir Eldritch giving me some very tough advice. These are just the first few people who come to mind but in order to keep this article less than a page, I’ll sum it up by saying I’m thankful for every good role model in my nation…Yes, that means you Trent. As for things that are not directly related to my nation Im thankful for all the great tournaments this year as well as all the feasts I’ve attended thus far. The Realms as a whole has been fantastic this year. So that is what I'm thankful for this year.  -Runaris Lockwood

“I'm thankful, as I am every year, for all the great friends I have made in these lands and all the new people I'll get to meet in the coming year! I'm also really thankful for the opportunity to host the Tournaments of Artemis and see all the rockstar performances from my fellow guild-members.” 
- Shader

“I’m thankful that I’m consistently given the privilege to watch the people around me challenge themselves, grow, and achieve great things not for their own sakes but on behalf of others.” - Aeston

“I am grateful to have a growing family of brothers and sisters. Having my Pack allows me to do all sorts of things I never dreamed of before I wandered into these Realms.” -Varrmagn Stigandr

“I am thankful for my pack, family, and holes, those are important! I'm so grateful for all the love that my pack gives me, moonlit runs, Osag back rides, and so much more like cozy holes.....did I mention that?” -Esther the Fisher Cat

“I am grateful for strong ale, loyal friends and a king worthy of my oaths.”- Cronin Barbaria

“I’m thankful for my goddess, Gaia. Her guidance through the winter months has helped me rebuild shelters, and prevented me from freezing to death on multiple occasions, which I’m most grateful for. Without Mother, I would be unable to protect everything I hold dear. I’ve felt my connection to her be severed once, and I pray that it never happens again, for I am lost without Mother.” -Evitta Jainrose Blackthorn

“I’m thankful for all the children and their grand adventures.” - Isla

“I'm thankful to be have a family who are always their for each other and genuinely want them the best for one another.” - Squire Asharn

"I am thankful for finding a place where people seem to be kind towards each other and race is a foot note." -Bogen

"I am grateful for those who I call my friends who would call me the same. I am grateful for those who have mentored me and worked with me to make me what I am today. I am grateful for my goddess for bringing hope to Realms and helping the less fortunate and downtrodden. I ask that if you have had a good harvest, have a spare chair at your table, or want to make the lives of those better, to share your holiday with those who have not prospered.

In these days of fleeting daylight be the light of hope for others." - Sir Laika

“Fate has been generous. I am thankful for another year of health and the strength to enjoy adventures and also for the fellowship of friends and family.” - Sir Torolf

“I am thankful that the community on Sapphire Isle is safe after the fires that broke out and destroyed most of my coffee crops. And the support of the Voice of the West and East Blackwood to send me aid in these hard times.” - Sayeh

I am thankful for the loyal family that I have in Rhiassa and across the Realms. I am also grateful for the mentorship and amazing friendship from my Knight, Lord Sir Gwen. I am glad to have the time again to journey, battle, and feast with everyone in the Realms. - Squire Charlotte

“I am thankful that the stacked deck tournament went well. I am thankful that my friend was able to realize his greatest wish. I was thankful for the people that supported my squire in his quest to be Queen. I was thankful to watch my Prince get his belt. I am thankful to find that my old adopted homeland is peaceful, at least during the day. I am thankful that I was able to see Dagger, and watch him be knighted. And I am thankful that my King got his Queen.” - Sir Tao

“I am thankful for everyone who was involved in helping forge as magnificent an ending as one could hope for a person’s life story.” - Sir Vawn

“For the lovely ladies of Folkestone who have been helping me deal with the very complicated and new-fangled way of mortal garbing of oneself” - Luc-DuBois

“I'm thankful to be in a nation that has supported my growth and interests. I'm also thankful for having great friends across the entirety of the Realms.” - Sir Elouan