
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What You Missed- Black & White 2019

by DJ “Varrmagn” Sapienza

As a small preface, Black and White holds a special place in my heart - It was my very first event and the event where my nation, Voraniss, made its debut. It is one of the must-hit events on my calendar, and there's no shortage of reasons!

I was lucky enough to travel with friends, and as soon as we disembarked from our wagons, we crossed paths with some new adventurers and began running into old friends even before we could register with local Chimeronian authorities. One of my favorite things about Black and White is the variety of people to be found in attendance. This year, in particular, there seemed to have been noticeably more newer faces than I recall seeing at any one gathering of the Realms' heroes.

Once inside we were immediately greeted by a small, but ever-growing and changing spread of foods to sample. The kitchen staff managed to keep a decent selection of dishes rotating on and off the tables, while always making sure some reliable staples were on hand. Some of my favorites were the banana bread, and some of the mini quiches that I was able to get fresh when they were first brought out. And I know several others rather enjoyed the pork parfait that was brought out later in the evening. The only thing missing was the famous poisoned punch, perhaps someone complained to the King for he deemed it an unwarranted risk to serve the deliciously dangerous refreshment this year.

Forgive me if I'm mistaken as a relatively new player, but I noticed a little heavier emphasis on tickets this year. There were either new, or more advertised opportunities to add to your ticket horde than I noticed in my previous years, and it seemed to encourage people to engage in some fun activities they otherwise might have skipped. While not many of them appealed to me personally, I really like the idea and I look forward to seeing what is offered next year. 

The auctions were as popular as ever with a small assortment of crafting supplies, pre-made goods, some foodstuffs and decorations, and the venerable mystery boxes and other odds and ends. I know Voraniss was able to pool some tickets to win ourselves a bottle of beard oil that had a pine scent such that I couldn't help but think of Yuletide. Some of the higher-end items included a variety of adult beverages, a tidy handful of event entry certificates for thrifty adventurers, and even a rather fetching stained glass feather Evie was very happy to bring home!

I did not take to the dance floor myself seeing as I had already been enjoying the company of close friends and old comrades elsewhere, but I know the dancing was enjoyed by many. It is a great draw and something some adventurers really look forward to, and I even spoke to some people who joined in for the first time. (Those ticket opportunities really worked on some folks!) Even the unexpected attendance of some... Emissaries from The Strangers caused only a slight disruption to the merriment of the evening.

But, Black and White is not just a time of festivities and fun. When that many adventurers gather together, there is bound to be some more serious business afoot. And some of the business was rather serious indeed.

Laika had arranged for a Gods' Moot. Heroes of all faiths gathered to hear the reading of Garm's letter to the Realms, and to decide upon our response while brave warriors took turns keeping some unwanted visitors, including the infamous Blue, from harassing the rest of the assembled heroes. Garm, having been freed by our own hands some months back had delivered an ultimatum - That us mortals were to be his agents in re-balancing the pantheon. He had instructed us to choose a deity and end their worship and existence in perpetuity. It took quite a bit of magic to sort out the details before we could reach any sort of consensus and in the process giving those in attendance a rather unexpected vision.

Lako called upon his deity Harlequin to reveal the truth of the situation, and we were shown a lush oasis in a barren desert. There was a stone at the oasis, and 8 animals drinking. They were strong and healthy. Then we saw bedlam approaching in utter darkness to envelop the oasis, but a powerful lion fought it off in a blinding light only to reveal even more animals at the bastion of life. But with more creatures to sustain, the oasis provided a little less nourishment to each one and they appeared to be less hearty than before. The more animals in the oasis, the weaker each one became. We were left to draw our own conclusions from the vision, but it became clear that action was needed. Nobody wanted to get splinters from sitting on the fence of indecision.

There was a debate, and a great many voices were heard, but there was an overwhelming agreement that Rexan should be the one to go. Being a god of deceit does not garner much sympathy. Nor does being the cause of such great hardship for the Kingdom of Chimeron as he has done in the recent past.

The decision was announced and confirmed later that evening at court where many nations backed the decision of churches and pledged their assistance to Chimeron in their ongoing quest to eradicate Rexan and his followers. But while that may have been one of the more dramatic pieces of business to play out before the Crown and guests, it was certainly not alone. Sir Bright was made a Knight of the Realms. Our fellow adventurers Aiden and Lako were praised for their commitment to immersive crafting within our community and brought into the Order of the Peacock. Laika continued to have an accomplished day, being made a Knight of the Crown after winning the title of Champion earlier. High Priestess Kindrianna announced that the Church of Vandor would begin seeking out a Champion for the tough fights ahead. And a minor, but perhaps most loudly applauded item brought before the court, Aymise convinced King Cecil to rescind his banning of poison punch, bringing back a favorite tradition of Black and White.

All in all, it was a wonderful time, more than worth the voyage to attend. Black and White is always a balancing act of celebration and merriment, with the more serious business of trying to sort out some plans for the coming seasons. This year, in particular, the balance seemed ideal. Whether it be the excitement of court and the ball, the indulgences worthy of a full-fledged feast, or even the good-natured company of friends; there was never a moment to call dull. I am very much looking forward to seeing what the event has in store for us next year, and cannot wait to find out what favorites they give us more of, and what new things they introduce!