
Friday, December 13, 2019

Rumors for December 1019

[Across the Realms]

Supposedly a kenku by the name of Quill has discovered a way to make a portal using a single spaghetti hoop. Or was it hag and yeti soup?


After a small revelry in one of the nearer villages to the western border, a 'magical light show' took place in the evening this week. Although it looked like fireworks to the naked eye, there was little to any sound (what sound could be heard was extremely muffled 'booming'.). The villagers were amazed and the figures that gave said light show hurried on that evening over the borders.
With the help of units from the Chimeron Militia, many of the newer farms across the countryside are fully prepared for winter. The detachments which had been deployed to the farms are now being recalled to their home stations before more snow sets in.

[Eagle's Rook]

After the snow and rain, some last-minute autumn 'clearing' is taking place to prepare for the realities of winter. The people, still mourning the loss of their Knights and quieter members, wear the plainest, muslin garb they have or black (for the more wealthy types), when not in working gear for their livelihoods or trades. The black flags with the white rooks are still flying.


Talk around the Neden grounds is that one of their new petitioners is capable of talking to cats, snakes and even penguins.


After a small revelry when the governor returned home, a 'magical light show' took place in the evening this week. Although it looked like fireworks to the naked eye, there was little to any sound (what sound could be heard was extremely muffled 'booming'.). The people were amazed and then began to use the unusually warm weather to take advantage of last-minute autumn preparations against the winter.
A convoy from the Chimeron Militia has left the town of Wendmor and is returning to Chimeron City. Despite their lighter load, they expect to make slower time on the return trip due to the early season snowfall. The mountain pass on the Eagle's Rook border is expected to particularly treacherous.