
Thursday, December 26, 2019

What You Missed- A Very Merry Yule at Uncle Cecil's Crazy Tavern 3

by Adrian "Cronin" Cronin

A fire crackles in the night, cold in the woods, the howls of wolves and chants of Druids echoing through the surrounding hills. Tis the eve of the solstice, and Voranians gather in the lands of Chimeron to make offerings to their gods for protection from the winter and all of its challenges.

Our customary ritual complete, we made our way to shelter to exchange gifts and revelry in keeping with the spirit of the weekend. When no more laughs could be had nor tales to be shared we rested our heads knowing of course… nothing could go wrong on Yule.

I rose quite late on Saturday but suited up for battle nonetheless as is my way. Upon arrival, there were large toys spread out through the field and adorable elves who needed our help to save Yule spirit.

After battling the beeping toys, I was asked to defuse a bomb. Knowing not what a bomb was, nor how to defuse I relied on bravery and trust to see me through and a bit of Yule magic of course…

 I woke up smelling like tinsel and barbecue, how peculiar and was informed that though valiant my effort was… I went boom.

With the robot toys defeated and the Yule spirit meter still so low, my confidence in saving yule began to diminish. Tales of an enthusiastic “kool-aid man” smashing through walls and a song or two got me right back into the spirit… until of course, the goblins came.

Immediately remembering all Kindrianna had taught me about Yuletide spirit, I began to sing to the well-armed goblins to try and warm their hearts. They seemed less hostile and even decided to tell us about their problems. Brothers fighting over weapons, another who just wanted a friend and all of which needed jobs. We managed to get them to wrap up presents and repair the damaged workshop - all the while singing and laughing in true Yuletide fashion.

The big boss Goblin Grumpo-Grungus was embraced in an insane hug all while singing at the top of our lungs and we saw the yule spirit meter rise to the top! Our mission was done. Time for snacks.

We returned to the tavern to tell nonsensical tales of robots and goblins and share in comforts of this grand party. The first toast was splendid with many adventurers from across the land sharing in the warm magic of the season.

Many drinks were shared, toasts and boasts were made, a bit of old toby was even welcomed in Chimeron for the first time. The night was electric, with gifts exchanged in secrecy, an appearance from the legendary father yule and a friendly dagger bear pit that I in no way started… 

There were arguments over dinosaurs, long walks in the cold, hugs, hugs and so many hugs.
In my foggy mind, I think I remember a wedding too? Anything can happen at Yule.

What you missed was merriment, community and a wild time. You missed an epic occasion with so many fine people. You missed toasting with Barbarians, gambling with pirates, smoking with nobles and commoners alike. You missed a fine night, and if you are reading this… I hope to see you there next year.