
Friday, January 31, 2020

Winter/Spring Horoscope1020

By Janna "Iawen" Oakfellow-Pushee

A long time ago, the races of the Realms have looked into the stars and wondered, What if?, never realizing that in some places, in some planes, those very stars were looking right back at us, wondering the same thing. There's a lot the stars can tell us, if only we show a humble want for knowledge.

In past years, a man has visited the Realms who was not a man at all, but a fallen star who took on a human persona as Hesperus Star-keeper. As it is, two Star People with the names Orion Mars and Cressida still walk with us from time to time. Even now, we sometimes also battle with Strangers beyond the Stars.

All have names, all have houses, all have a purpose and a drive.

And, if you're willing to listen to the what the stars have to say, you might just find yours, too.
These are thoughts on how your Winter, heading into Spring, might be turning out.

House of:

Capricorn: With the Wolf Moon already passed and the Snow Moon predicted to bring with it the namesake, you're readying your knives and social skills in the dark.  While the light is slowly returning (thankfully) from the Solstice, your current paranoid persona is having you prepare for the worse that could happen to your group first, and then yourself.  Running solo?  Then it might refer to your material things, such as your cart or personal mount, or even something notable as two sets of winter clothes.  Nobody likes their things purposely ruined, and while I would say things can be replaced, the stars would disagree with me.  If you cherish something deeply, perhaps leave it away from the next few gatherings.  If it's a person you love, make sure you're not going to 'kill them with kindness or protection'.  We all joke about knifing a person and sitting on them 'for their own good' until a danger has passed, but to actually practice this before the Spring Equinox will have many a Realmsian angered and confused.  Best to work on that social thing instead.  Might cause less danger. Maybe.

Aquarius: The murkier the waters, the more stodgy and stubborn you'll become.  Dragging your heels from the sand to the seashore, you keep drawing the water up and dumping it out, to no avail.  You cannot clear the ocean all by yourself, and it's idiotic on anyone to think that you could (even with a Divine Intervention or three).  It's no longer time for doing the same thing over and over; this salt and dirt are ruining your amphora.  Instead, take a step back from the line, and then another, and then another.  Move away to a safer place and completely clear, clean, and polish until the amphora (and yourself) can shine again, the way you're used to.  People will make high demands of you doing this period, but in order to bloom on the Spring Equinox this task should surely be done.

Pisces: The year is barely starting and already you feel like a fried fish.  The back and forth temperatures of both your friends and the weather are beating down on your usual day-to-day routine, drying up your energy so much that you can barely muster a fight, a reading, a ritual, or even just getting out of bed some day.  Never fear, Pisces and especially rogues in this House: you won't be out of water for much longer.  After a tumultuous period that leads up into the waxing crescent within February, your entire adventure of Life will be flipped over, and for the better.  Just have to wait it out, then wade it out.  You're going to make it.

Aries:  The need for expressing yourself, if you're a Fighter, is there in your mind to the point of aggravation.  "But what do Fighters get?" is a cry you might also hear, perhaps from your own lips.  While Casters in House Aries will have it much easier heading into March, that doesn't mean that Fighters in this House shouldn't try.  Make that weapon.  Sew that garb. Paint the thing.  Do the stuff.  Write it down.  Fighter does not equal 'dumb' nor does it mean you should stifle your creativity.  On the contrary, now is the time to bust it out, as hard as you can. If you fail, proudly toss your horns and announce that you meant to do that.  And while you're at, take another adventurer along for the ride, like a Sagittarius. You'll be amazed at the things you two can accomplish this Winter!

Taurus: Fighters in this house are going to experience an excellent swing upwards (no pun intended) in their style and skills as their hard work pays off. No hard work, though? No problem as you're also going to become seemingly more lucky during the month of February.  As we march our way towards the end of Winter, however, those who have been practicing will break away from the pack, and the adventurers of the Realms will really start to take notice of those who they can tangle with, and who they shouldn't grab by the horns.

Gemini: February does not present a pleasant situation. Conflicts between senior members of your group may disrupt the harmony of the House. Children will be at the receiving end.  No children? Then it will fall on your newest or inexperienced members. Expenses miss the arrow's mark, overshooting and although it's nice to look like wealth, one ought to make sure their coffers are actually able to stand up to such display. It is up to you to be calm and restore cordiality and a sense of balance in the group atmosphere, but at the table gamble for your life.  You're going to need to make all the gold you can, however you can, and as quick as you can.  March will also not be as kind to you or your pockets, so if you're the generous type (with your weapons, with your magic, with your personal gear) it might be time to hold back and even possibly cash in those few favors to get you through.

Cancer: Certainly February will be your month, and in every possible way.  At the beginning, there will be first proposals that will change your adventuring situation, which you have been waiting for (FOR SO LONG!).  As soon as it turns out that changes can be beneficial for you, then do not wait a moment with their implementation.  Speaking of Implement, if you're a Cancer that has this spell, consider changing it up from what you currently have it as.  Have a Wand? Go Orb.  Staff? Go Book.  And so forth.  A little change here and there will spark interest again for you, and also catch the eyes of those who are more into subtlety, and thus note that perhaps you're not as uninspired as they thought you were.

Leo: This Winter, the stars say those in this House of Lions will be accompanied by a carefree period and it will be harder than ever to control their expenses.  Even so, a lion will have enough cunning in their life to survive, and you will use the winning streak in an excellent way so that you will provide yourself with an additional source of income.  Now that's something to roar about!  Special note:  At the end of the February is Xaos' Holy Day (The Missing Day), and you'll be the center of attention because of a certain event that happened in the past. However, before you start a discussion on this subject, think carefully about what you want to say, then do not be ashamed of the words you said.  Brush your mane, and present yourself.  Here. You. Are.

Virgo:  If you're in love, it will be passionate and imaginative. There will be a good rapport with your partner until the 17th of the month. After that, you are lost in your own thoughts. Overall, life will be pleasant for fighters and casters alike. There will be plenty of opportunities for alliances. Keep your eyes wide open at tournaments and other social gatherings. A spiritual connection will complete the affair and you'll have it altogether by the Equinox.

Libra: The stars foretell that your life will be easier than normal this winter, heading into spring. You will have fewer responsibilities and more time to do the things that you want to do. Working on your hobbies will be able to bring you a lot of joy this year. 1020 is a great year to focus on yourself and your relationships, and no better time than the present to make this happen.  To the outsiders, those not within this House, it may appear to be slothful, sheer laziness, but you are literally relaxing (something you didn't get to do last year, or, one might argue, last decade) and taking things in, slowly, and letting things that don't work out go (again slowly).  This is going to be an amazing time for you, and I'm cheering you on!

Scorpio: This winter, you have to deal with annoyances that exasperate or even depress you. In January, communication is difficult, you try to stay composed in early February but you are confronted with misunderstandings and incomprehension in late February and early March. Wait until the Spring to promote more constructive exchanges, and to narrow the ranks in what you believe to be your true family, your true love.  Fighters should check all their gear and blades, fix anything broken or outright throw gold at the problem if Blacksmithing isn't in their wheelhouse.  Speaking of Blacksmithing, weapon-smiths who are Scorpios may find it a lucrative year if they offer their talents at the right time before Spring shows.  Those are Scorpio Casters should heavily consider a complete garb over-haul to work with the spells (and thus the material components) they've committed themselves to.

Sagittarius:   No love for Healers, sadly.  You will feel inclined to resolve any problems that may have occurred last year. This is a great time for cleaning up the past in the present to make way for a better future. You need to be patient, social, and daring this year if you want to make an impact.  Seed of Life, while useful, is currently nobody's friend in your repertoire, so make way for optimizing what you can do now to prevent further sit-downs on the side of the field from occurring.  Don't forget that Archery is literally within your Sign's namesake, so why not 'give it a shot'? Also, if you grinned at that pun instead of groaning, then you're going to want to make others grin during the gloomy, muddy season ahead.

No matter what you believe, have a wonderful 1020, and be well. - IawenW