
Friday, February 7, 2020

Rumors for February 1020

[Across the Realms]

A strange creature has been spotted trying to purchase heavy armor with colorful gems, rocks and sticks. This same creature has been seen catching sneaky free rides from cargo carts to and from each nation and travellers make talk of it swiping food from camps. Caution is advised.

[Teng Hua]

There seems to be a buzz around the isle of Teng Hua as they make preparations to host the people of the Realms for the Spring Flower Festival. According to imperial officials, the Emperor and the imperial family will be in attendance.
From many of the outlying villages there have been increased sightings of ghosts at night. For the most part the sources are unreliable. One report says they saw a ghost of a man as large as a bull wearing samurai armor.
The search continues for the person that desecrated a number of temples back in the early autumn. There have been several people who claim it was an outsider who was slender with a shaved head, and was commiting the acts to gain favor with a god