
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

What You Missed: Feast of Creathorne 2020

by Ryan "Orion" Welch

I enjoyed my time at this year’s Feast of Creathorne. The hall was spacious and comfortably warm. The things which I ate were also delicious, although I was a little disappointed that the dinner's side salad offering was so basic when the rest of the menu was well-crafted. With that said, I was impressed by the various meat dishes, which are clearly the stars of the show here.

The questing was also surprisingly enjoyable considering the outside temperature. The monsters which we encountered put up enough of a fight to keep us active and warm, but rarely overwhelmed us. A bowl full of stew also helped keep me braced against the cold air. I did not rejoin the party after the first foray because the sun, which could be clearly seen all day but only lightly felt, quickly dipped below the horizon.

The Physical Challenge was a neat idea. I was immensely grateful that it was conducted indoors. I also had a pleasant time socializing with my feast-goers, and I even had a winning day at the blackjack table, which I often find to be an elusive achievement. I can easily say that I am looking forward to the offerings of Creathorne’s kitchen again next year.

In service to the Realms
Captain Orion Mars, Squire to His Majesty King Alexander Cecil