
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Why I Want to Go-Feast of Creathorne 2020

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

I’ve worked in the Feast of Creathorne Kitchen for almost as long as I can remember, and I wouldn’t miss this event for anything--and I don’t think you should either.

There are countless dishes that you can only get in Creathorne, including great game meat, plus dinner which includes a wide variety of meats and sides to tickle even the most discerning of pallets. Add that to specially made appetizers, desserts, and mini-main courses, and you can’t go wrong!

But we all know feasts aren’t made of food alone, which is why Sir Shean and the team have made sure to provide shops and entertainment galore. Vandoria will have fabulous wares, the Stacked Deck team will be hosting a poker tournament, the Creathorne Casino will be in full effect, and there will be combat tournaments and questing as well. If you’re the barding type, tell a story, sing a song, or be amazed by the talents of your peers.

Rhiassa Cub Care will be unveiling BattlePets, a brand new endeavor to bring in our next generation of adventurers into the fold! So young and old, hungry and fighty, gambly and spendy, come out to this event! I promise you’ll have a great time. If you’re looking for me, I’ll be in the kitchen with my pals, doing what I love most, making sure you have the food to keep you going through all the great stuff that Creathorne has planned for you.