
Friday, March 27, 2020

Home Questing: The First Task

by Christopher "Mikey" Donnelly 


Wait, what?
So, since we are all limited in how much we should go out, I figured I would run a small weekly challenge, and you can earn points towards a prize when this all ends.

But...what if I don’t have woods right behind my apartment like you do?
You can do the tasks in your own house.  Don’t go anywhere you wouldn’t normally be for this...just do it wherever you can.

What if I don’t have any IC stuff available?
That’s fine.  Just use whatever’s around.  You are on the internet right now...don’t sweat the small stuff.

What do you mean by “record”?
I mean a photo or a short video (20 seconds or less...10 or less would be even better).

Where can I submit my entry?
Right here!

Do I have to use the form?
No, you can email me at if you would prefer.

Wait, will other people see my submissions?
Potentially.  I’ll likely publish some, or all, of them in The View.  Also, videos may end up published in a manner to make it easier to go on The View (aka on youtube with a shareable link, but not searchable).

I hear there are points.  How does scoring work?
Both Janus and the mystery judge will rank their top 5 choices.  1st get’s 5 points.  2nd get 4 points, and so on.  Everyone will get at least 1 point for (hopefully) having fun and submitting something.

Did anybody actually ask these questions of you?

Fine.  Anything else?
Yeah...don’t do anything dangerous.  Think before you act.  Also...HAVE FUN!

Transcript for video:

Hello all,

Janus here, and seeing as we all have some downtime, I figured I would start something to help provide a laugh or two...or lacking that, at least give us at least a way to fill some time.  Each week, I’ll be giving a small task to complete, which you can do and submit (i’ll tell you how for each one).  Me and a secret guest judge (who changes week to week) will judge them, and rank the submissions.  We’ll then show off the leaderboard for the week.  When this ends (hopefully by the end of May) the top 5 people on the leaderboard will get a prize of some sort.  What the prize shall be is currently a mystery...but at worst it will be a few gold, and if there is enough buy in, I’ll try to make the prizes worth it.

So, for our first challenge, this is your task:

Create and record a stack of items.  The most impressive stack wins.  You have until Tuesday at midnight to submit.  Your time