
Friday, April 3, 2020

Home Questing: Second Task

by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

So, here is little bit of extra information:

Here is where you submit the verbal:

This week, you can submit text or a video (or I suppose an image if you really want to.)  If you are submitting a video or photo, please send me a link to it (either already on youtube or other similar publicly viewable way), as I realized I might start running into storage issues if I get too many.  As always, you can also choose to email me a submission at  I look forward to what you all come up with.


Hey everyone, Janus here.  I would just like to say everyone did a great job with their entries this week.  I was very impressed with all of them.

Let’s get into this week’s challenge, shall we?  This week, I am challenging you all to write the best spell verbal you would never use.  Your deadline is Monday at midnight, and your time starts now.