
Friday, June 5, 2020

Home Questing: Task 9 Results

by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

Hello and welcome to Home Questing: The ninth task.  This week the task was to submit a picture of a stuffed animal dressed up to look like yourself.  So let’s get right into the alternate reality where we could have been stuffed animals:

From Cressida is a picture of her as a pupper:

Here is DelHemar as an owl:

(full album with further detail is available here:

Here is Syruss as a bear:

And here is Janus:

So, since today is arguably about fashion (just on stuffed animals), I needed a guest judge who has experience judging in that vein.  After much thought it became clear to me that Freesia would be an ideal candidate, so take it away Freesia:

Let’s talk about what I am seeing first, and then I will let you know who wins.

First: Cressida, what did you do to scare that poor puppy? I like how regal you look, and how terrified that dog looks. Such contrast cannot go unrecognized. The headpiece and the dress look fabulous on you both; but I think you take the win over that puppy. Perhaps a little therapy for your familiar is in order after this ordeal?

Next: DelHemar, you look as surprised as your unicorn-bird-something-or-other. I like that. But, where is your horn? Just kidding, you don’t need a horn. I love the detail on the pouch, and like that you obviously put in the extra time to make that mini-you-vest for this bird-thing you dressed up. (Seriously, what is it?) I also adore the mini-sword. That “Mini-You” is ready for battle.

On to the next: Syruss, in what abyss did you find the mini-you-bear and why does he look like he wants to bite me or kiss me? I cannot figure out if he is half winking or ready to maul. The belt, the bat, the hat and the horns. How amazing that you found a bear just the right size. I am convinced this is the bear I would take along on a quest if you weren’t around. 

Finally; Janus, what a happy bear! What a delight to see the look of “I know those runes and I am going to cast a bunch of spells for you” that you always make at me. Who knew such a creature existed that truly captured the look of “Yes, I know what is happening before it happens” that you give many adventurers. Also, is he wearing a backpack? I think he is. I love that your vest and sashes really bring out that all knowing smile.

And now, for the results:

This was a little tough to judge. I wish more people had participated. But, we were distance celebrating ToC, so I get it. 

Fourth Place (2 points): Janus (really, why does bear-you look like he is keeping secrets)
Third Place (3 points): Cressida (The look of terror and the regal stature, can’t beat it)
Second Place (4 points): DelHemar (the details!)
First Place (5 points): Syruss (ready to take that bear questing)

Thank you so much for that Freesia.  Now for my perspective on them:

As he always seems to be, once again I have to disqualify Janus. That stuffed animal is technically a pillow, so sorry about that.

In third place (3 points) is Cressida.  The dog seems to be missing a few personal touches from it.

In second place (4 points) is Syruss.  The bear is unmistakably Syruss, and is absolutely adorable, but it almost looks like Syruss didn’t risk his own bear stealing his pouch.

In first place (5 points) is DelHemar by a hair.  There are tons of small little details that were custom made just for the owl (unless I am really misinterpreting scale here.) up to and including a small pouch that really stood out.

So, including the points for participation, the scores for the week are Syruss and DelHemar tied at 10, and Cressida at 7.  

Stay tuned next week for yet another Home Questing challenge!