
Thursday, July 2, 2020

Home Questing: Task 11 Results

Hello, and welcome to the judging results for Home Questing, the Eleventh task.  This week, I asked people to pitch the most unique new Highbridge Class.  For those who are unaware, Highbridge is a University that teaches various skills to many people.  We received two entries, so let’s take a look at them.

First, from Cressida, we received The Art of Improv.

“Class/Flyer Description: Come join Cressida as she teaches you how to grab life by the *insert word here* as we say “yes” to Improv! This class is designed to help you dive deeper into character, NPC, and personal growth through Improv games that help you loosen up, have fun, get your creative juices flowing, and help you to accept new things more easily. We will work together to break down the walls limiting your creativity and encourage deeper roleplaying in the Realms at large. “

The full syllabus can be found here:

Next from DelHemar is Quaffing and Questing: an exploration of food and drink to stay healthy, hardy, and hydrated on the battlefield and beyond.

And finally, from Janus is Brains and Barriers: Overcoming the puzzles and wards between you and your goals.

Completely coincidentally, shortly after I assigned this task did the Knights of the Sable Dragon announced their training day.  So, I reached out to Kovaks to help determine which of these classes are the most unique.  Take it away Kovaks.

Greetings, Friends,

It is no secret that I am ever thirsty for knowledge and looking to learn as much as possible from as many people as possible. This is why I was excited to help Janus as the judge for this week’s Home Questing.

The three entries all sound like very interesting classes to take as well as to teach. I hope to see all three of these submissions featured in the Knights of the Sable Dragon Training Day so that I have the opportunity to learn. But the criterion for this week isn’t interesting or informative, it is unique. And that is the only thing that allowed me to judge.

The most unique class (5 points) of these three is Quaffing and Questing. This is a combination that I have never heard of being formally taught before and I think would contain new information for everyone participating.

The second most unique class (4 points) is Brains and Barriers. I think I have seen a class like this offered once before at University of Highbridge, but it was probably being taught by Janus then as well. Or maybe it was a class of how to create such barriers to the puzzlement of others. Regardless, this is a very strong runner up.

The third most unique class (3 points)  is The Art of Improv. This class sounds very interesting and would contain a fantastic combination of informative and entertaining content. However I suspect similar classes are taught at institutions outside of the University of Highbridge. That said, I think that Cressida would put her own spin on the class by explaining how these skills can be used in an adventuring setting rather than a stage meaning that even though it is today’s honorable mention, it is still a class that I would eagerly sign up for if given the chance.

Thank you, all, for your class submissions. Thank you, Janus, for giving me the opportunity to judge. I hope all three contestants, as well as everyone else with something to teach, signs up to teach at Training day []

Yours in service,

Thank you so much Kovaks.  It was greatly appreciated.  My views tend to mostly align with Kovaks on this one.  I feel the class that takes first place (5 points) is DelHemar’s Brains and Barriers.  It is a class I haven’t heard of before, and on top of that, is one that I would love to attend to see what tips for the battlefield there would be.  Other than Bananas.  I hate Bananas.  In second place (4 points) I would have to give points to The Art of Improv.  It would be a really interesting course that I can see myself taking and learning a bunch from it.  Unfortunately, it also is something that I have heard of before.  And finally, once again I have to disqualify Janus.  He made me go running this morning instead of sleeping in, so I am disqualifying him for this reason.

Including the bonus points for the curriculum, and the point for participation, that brings us to this weeks scores:

DelHemar with 11 points, and Cressida with 18.

Stay tuned for next week, when I publish the answers to the puzzles I had released (if you haven’t tried them yet, you can right here:  ).  You have until Wednesday at noon to earn points for the task.