
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What You Missed- Knights of the Sable Dragon Present: Training Day

by Renee "Kindrianna" Booke

On Saturday, July 25th, the Knights of the Sable Dragon (and Squires!) organized a virtual training day for the Realms to enjoy. Players could sign up ahead of time to attend classes they had an interest in, a welcome addition to our community’s increasingly virtual content amid the Pandemic.

Classes began at noon, running in fifty-minute blocks up until about 6:00 PM. There were many to choose from, featuring generous teachers from all across the community. Topics ranged from EHing and encounter design to crafting, questing skills, and more! Adventurers lingering between classes, or those stopping in for a drink, could remain in the tavern and visit with one another. It was nice to see some familiar faces, and some of us were lucky enough to catch a musical performance as we bantered and spoke of faraway places and threats.

One of our teachers, Sara Jessop aka Zarine, was kind/talented enough to make a video resource to accompany her class Ward: Mundane - Getting Into and Staying In-Character. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s pretty fantastic. Alter Egos Episode 1 covers getting into and staying in character despite all the mundane world distractions in the Realms. You can currently find it on YouTube, or click here!

Shortly after 6:00 PM, the silent charity auction for Neil Kusleika's recovery that had been running all day began to wrap up. There was an impressive showing of items on the docket including but not limited to an Adventurer’s Guild Personal Quest, a bottle of Moniack Mead, a beautiful handmade lyre created by Alexandra Reynolds, a fashionable questing cloak made by Kim Coffey, and a wooden mug made by the talented Eli Spicer. There were many more incredibly generous people, without whom the auction would not have been successful, and our deepest thanks goes out to each of you. In the end, we were able to raise more than $959! It was a good reminder that even in these dark times we come from a loving, and supportive community.

All in all, the event had a good combination of newer adventurers picking up some pointers, and older players looking to try something new for the first time. It was wonderful to see everyone and hear their voices. My only lament is that the time felt like it went by way too fast.