
Thursday, August 6, 2020

View Special Edition: Regarding the Emergency EH Meeting

(The following message was sent to the Realms OOC email list earlier today. It has been reposted here with permission from its author.)

Fellow members of the Realms,

On Monday, an emergency EH meeting was called to discuss how to react to the serious issue of the number of legal events that are likely to be thrown for the calendar year 2020.  Since then, the required number of EHs have reached out to me to express their support for such a meeting, so I will be organizing one.

From reading posts on Facebook, I've come under the impression that there are many people who are not EHs who would like to have their voices heard on this topic.  To that end, I will also be organizing an unofficial meeting open to all players, including event holders.  This meeting will not have any binding votes, but it may influence the minds of event holders as they go to the official meeting.

On Monday, I'll be announcing times and (virtual) locations for both meetings.  If you have any requests for when they are scheduled, please reach out to me privately before Monday to let me know.  While I can't promise to act on everyone's requests, if a lot of people are all busy on the same day, I'll try to avoid that day.

Your Administrative Meeting Organizer,
Pi Fisher