
Thursday, October 8, 2020

Special Announcement


In the face of the ongoing pandemic and the inability to hold in-person events, the View remains committed to our mission to continue bringing you weekly content to help us all stay connected while we can't see each other in person.

To that end, we need help!

With only a few virtual events on the calendar, our normal avenue for creating and producing content has decreased considerably. Therefore, we are turning to the community for help and putting out an official call for submissions. 

Not sure what you can do to help? Here are a few things:

  • Do you draw, paint, or are otherwise artistic? Scan some of your art and send it to us, we'd love to run it!
  • Do you write poetry, fiction, short stories, bardics, songs? Send us your literary works, we'd be more than happy to post it!
  • Do you having a burning etiquette or personal question that you desperately need an answer to? Our resident agony aunt, Madam Zarine, can't wait to answer you!
  • Do you want to answer questions about yourself? We have many different interview question sets that you can complete to let us all know a little bit more about you, including:
    • 10 Questions (the OG of interviews)
    • 10 More Questions (because more is always better)
    • Fresh Faces (for newbies under two years)
    • 10 Questions with an Event-Holder 
    • Tricks of the Trade - just for spell-casters!
    • Voices in the View (our new column focusing on players who identify as a member of a minority community)
  • Do you like to create puzzles, riddles, or brain teasers of any variety? These are always popular features and you're welcome to send us yours!
  • How's your meme game? The Meme Team is always accepting submissions. 
  • Do you have old View posts or other historical Realms-related items you can scan? Do it up and send it over!
  • Anything else Realms-related you want to send that may be kicking around on your hard-drive

You can email anything to, or feel free to reach out to me or your closest View editor: Renee Booke, Keith Cronyn, Lani Jones, or Ryan Welch. 

Thank you all for your consideration. This is an unprecedented time, but we can get through it together as a community.