
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Oh My Omens 2

 In three nights you have three dreams, each dream is different, and you can barely remember it the next day. 

After the first night, you wake and you're all itchy like you've slept in the sand of your favorite beach, and you remember this scene:

and it reminds you of a concert from your younger days. 

After the second night, you awake with the horror of pins and needles all up and down your body, and this haunting image etched in your mind. 

After the third night, you wake up with the pleasant sensation that you've just gotten away with a terribly smelly, but uncomfortable fart, and no one noticed, and this image tickling the back of your mind. 

Shaking it off you know you're late for market, and rush get to the road. As soon as you open the door to leave, you're greeted by the knocking fist of a lady and her five adventuring companions. She's got a Mary Sue about her, and you're sure she did the ropes course better than you in your academy days. With her is a Creature you're sure is made of fur alone. A person that can only be described as a crooked nose. The wild. Someone who's eating and that's the important bit about them. And the infamous Taco Goblin. 

Mary Sue Speaks for the bunch. "You are an Oracle! They told us, but I wasn't convinced, but you must have known we were coming, you answered the door before I could even knock. So it's true then, it will kill us all if you don't help us...please, tell me what we have to do?"

You know her words to be the truth. It's not even Market day, it was three days ago, and you'd gotten your favorite spice. You know your dreams to be the omen. What do you tell them?

Let me know in the comments!