
Friday, December 11, 2020

Rumors for December 1020

[Across the Realms]

The Black Dagger thief was recently reported captured and locked up to await trial, however recent rumors state that guards are on the hunt again after a possible escape. It's likely the thief is now laying low, guards have asked for citizens to report any suspicious behavior.


The mountains and forests near the Faedraw River have been engulfed in thick and heavy fog. Animals can be seen fleeing from the forest. Scouts have tried to investigate the area but have not been returned.

[The Dreaming]

Dreamers who took interest in the Forgotten Grove and its melody dubbed "Empty Rain" may find themselves revisiting the Grove more frequently, be it for the duration of their dream, or just passing through on their other quests.

Those who delve deeper into this place may end up speaking with one of the statues

But its words always seem jumbled, or backwards.

Lately dreamers have been hearing the same message.

"Ollp uli gsv Yilpvm Szmw."

It is apparent that the Statue wants dreamers to investigate the Grove further...


Large colorful explosions can be seen above the Neden Castle as its denizens and other creatures who inhabit the lands surround the castle to see what the commotion is about.

Sir Naj can be seen using Portals to come and go from the castle with various boxes. Dresden O'Leary Esquire is on the scene with a pen and and taking quotes from the onlookers for the Neden Kazoo. Most people are trying to answer this Demons questions but are a bit Distracted by Cevaris and Darkin trying to squeeze elephants through the side entrance of the castle.  Lord Syruss can be heard yelling various things as different explosions take place.

"No the lions go in the other room" "Yes, of course that's what the piƱatas are for" "Naj I swear to the Dark One himself no more experimental portals without the proper wards up" " Has anyone seen my fuzzy anti magic slippers....we need those STAT!"....."Oh man I can't WAIT FOR OUR FRIENDS TO SEE THIS ONE...not that one that's gross banish that..."