
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Animal Companion Competition: Style Challenge

ACC Challenge E - Style (Garb)

The final challenge was a big one this week…

Style Challenge: Get ready to make it work! You and your person have to work together to make (or dig out of wherever in storage it’s gotten too over the last year) garb and accessories that best show off your personal style. You then need to model it in a portrait (otherwise known as a photo). 

We were thrilled by all the stylish and practical garb brought to the table! Order of the Peacock eat your hearts out! 

First up this week, Aara!

“My style today has something new and something old. For something new, Kovaks made me a new collar to hold my name tag. It's sharkmail, just like their armor! They were going to make me a whole suit of sharkmail, but I like my old armor. Everyone recognizes me by my armor, so I'm going to talk about it! I'm a little bit (well, a big-bit) afraid of the dark, but that's ok because some of the links on my armor glow when it's dark! Even better is the fact that the glow rings make a rowan branch on my back, so people can bring me home if I get lost in the dark. The chainmail weave is “you're a-peeing six-in-one”, whatever that means. Kovaks tells me it's harder to do than some armor and that it means the rings are closer together so it's safer. It was custom made just for me, so it feels like a warm, glowy hug!”

Cressida: The chainmail collar is the perfect function meets fashion! I also feel inspired to incorporate some glow into my gear so when I get lost at night people can find me. 

Cimone: I love that your armor helps protect you from more than just sword blows with it’s glowing.  And a beautifully upgraded collar as well.   

Next up walking the ACC runway: Cleopatra!

Cleopatra: “I like garb! I prefer to be nekkid, but during quests I wear a pink-ish rainbow harness most of the time to help keep me on Hildie-guard’s belt. For this challenge, we both wanted to try a new look! And Hildie-guard is so good at sewing! Unfortunately, she couldn’t help me too much with the sewing part of this challenge because she hurt her wrist from crocheting a million blankets to keep the plague-related depression away.”

Hildegard: “It was my healing wrist :( ”

Cleopatra: “So I had to do a lot of the physical work myself. But Hildie-guard was so kind as to give me scraps from her wedding dress for me to make into something pretty!”

Hildegard: “I barely even got to wear it. Stupid plague :( ”

Cleopatra: “We decided to collaborate, so she made a simple design that I could follow, and I hopped on the sewing machine!”

Cleopatra: “And then Hildie-guard helped me sew it! Then ta-da!”

Cleopatra: “It’s a butt cape!”

Hildegard: “I mean, I guess you could call it that.”

Cleopatra: “And I like it because it’s got lace and it flows like water! It makes me feel elegant. And if I wanna be nekkid again, it’s easy to slip out of!”

Cimone:*suppressing giggles* and a lovely butt cape it is.  Trains can be a lot of fun to swoosh around in, and using leftovers from Hildegard’s dress makes it extra special for you.

Cressida: I think the butt cape is the next big trend and I personally look forward to seeing everyone follow in your tiny footsteps Cleopatra! Maybe I will wear a butt cape to Black and White this year.

Next up on the cat walk, er, dog walk? Wolf walk? It’s Kedol Maas!

“We generally do function over this is what we will provide you with.”

Cressida: I love that you two match! Matching colors are a good way to show everyone that you came to the feast together and they can help you in a crowded feast hall to find each other! 

Cimone: They do say if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.  Your armor is a solid look and you seem to like it.  And matching your person definitely doesn’t hurt as Cressida mentioned.  

Our next fashionable contestant is Jharru!

“Hi! Jharru here - I'm really excited this week because Aranel made me leather ARMOR! Now my vulnerable belly and chest are more protected from monsters and bad guys. And don't I look fierce??? I'll admit, she's not 100% done with the armor, but it's pretty much done, only “minor tweaks”. Aranel says she just wants to add a strap to the top to make it easier to carry me, and then maybe paint some designs on it if I want. But I like it so much as it is that I wanted to show it off to you all anyway without the strap (I think it looks cooler without it, but I understand why Aranel wants to add one). Can't wait to wear it on adventures in person with all of you!”

Note from Aranel: If you want to see progress pictures, here's a link: 

Making armor to perfectly fit such a little guy is no joke, and took more work than you would think to get it just right. 

Cimone: I am super impressed.  Well fitted leather armor is not to be underestimated in usefulness, comfortableness, or difficulty.  You look well ready for questing to restart.  

Cressida: I can’t wait to see all of these fashions in person and this armor is impeccably made. Jharru looks so comfortable and happy, while also being safe from a blow to the chest! 

Out strutting their stuff, or rather flapping their stuff, it’s Malcolm Mallard!

“This week with the style challenge I have two items of clothing. The first is my new cloak. Bogen helped fashion it out of this strange repellant metal that is also somewhat flexible. It is in the fashion of his cloak so we match, which is important (I tried to get him to switch to blue but that failed). This is both fashionable and useful as it will protect me from whatever strange environment Bogen brings me to next.

The second item is my doublet. When I was working with Bogen, he quickly realized that he does not know how to do anything other than basic patchwork, so he went to Ypnn for help. With a seamstress on the team, we were able to fashion this wonderful garment together.”

Cressida: Do ducks need raincoats? Based on how cute Malcolm looks, I have to say yes! The cloak and doublet are both fantastic.

Cimone: I’m very impressed.  Those upper limb holes in the doublet look well fitted without being binding, which is never an easy feat.  and that cloak looks ready to take on almost any bad weather. … wait, I recognise that cloak material. Well #EverydayPunday I suppose, well played Mr. Mallard, well played.  

Last to show off their style, HelperPink!

Cimone: I’m seeing a hat, an upper body covering, and some sort of sword?  It looks surprisingly well put together, and the hat matches HelperPink’s skin tone so well I almost didn’t realize it was there.  Well done.   

Cressida: Good eye there Cimone! I had missed the hat at first glance. HelperPink is fantastic with camouflage, as we know from the first challenge, so having clothes that work with that skill are both functional and fashionable! Also I would not mess with this crew, they look so tough! 

That’s it everyone! The final challenge has come to a “clothes”. *muffled groan from the booth* I thought that was an excellent pun... Anyways, as always let us know your stylish thoughts in the comments. You can also make your thoughts know for the entire competition by voting for the winner here:

Remember to vote for Best in Show by this Saturday, March 20th at midnight! We will announce the winner next Tuesday, so make sure to come back and see who wins!