
Friday, March 12, 2021

Home Questing Task 24: Results!

 by Janus "Christopher" Donnelly

Hello, and welcome to Home Questing, the 24th task, where I challenged people to make the cutest snowman possible.  And it appears we got some very cute snowmen.  So, let’s take a look.

First, from  Cressida is this well dressed snowman:

Next, from DelHemar is this very nature based snowman:

And finally, from Janus is this (and mostly edible) snowman:

So, looking at this task, I was wondering who would be good at judging what people built, so I asked Kovaks to lend her expertise on the subject.

Take it away Kovaks:

In first place (5 points), I find Janus’ snowman to be the cutest. The toothpicks give a sense of scale and are a nod to the traditional stick arms that most snowpeople have. This is also the snowman with the best face.

Second place (4 points), Cresseda’s snowman. Great use of color for the clothing, although I find cuteness to be  based in facial features, and other than the baby carrot nose, there aren’t an easily identifiable face.

Third place(3 points) is Del’s snowman, which also lacked facial features except for a pair of clove eyes, which are a nice choice but not particularly cute. If the judging criterion was photography and framing of the snowman, then Del would have won.

Thank you so much for that Kovaks.  

From my side of things, I am going to have to disqualify Janus for using chronomancy and submitting a snowman late on time.  Sorry.

In second (4 points) place is DelHemar’s snowman.  The berries definitely add to the nature feel of it, and the (what I believe are) clove eyes are adorable, but not quite as cute as our first place entry.

In first place (5 points) is Cressida.  The body and head were really well crafted and the hat, carrot nose, and scarf really drove the cuteness through the rough.

So including a point for participation that gives us Cressida with 10 points and DelHemar with 8 points.

And that leads us to our overall scores so far:

DelHemar - 229.5

Cressida - 217

Laika en'Naur - 39

Aeston, Areni, and Gwen - 26.5

Saka - 22

Iawen - 20

Bart - 19

Kovaks - 15

Orion - 13

Keras - 13

Tuilli - 11

Vawn - 10

Syruss - 10

Jerrick Jerrickson - 10

Luc-Dubois Coupant - 9

Osa - 8

Axel - 7

Kwido - 6

J'reth - 5

Nalydros - 5

Rosetta - 5

Sagart Hawkshade - 5

Tarun Ul-Sikar = 5

Thayet - 5

Vanduke - 4

King Alexander Cecil - 2.5

Jace - 2

Kara Nithisdottir - 1.5

Thoril - 1.5

See you next week for the next challenge!