
Friday, April 9, 2021

Home Questing: Task 26 Results

by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

Welcome to the Twenty Sixth Installment of Home Questing.  This week, I asked you to make the most impressive nature-based summoning circle.  Four intrepid adventurers took turns making their summoning circles, so let’s take a look at how they did, shall we?

First, from newcomer Belle Vivid is this circle with many friends involved: 

Next, from Cressida is this entry from HGSC:

DelHemar took a different approach to a nature-based summoning circle

And finally, from Janus is this piece of nature:

So, as a guest judge, I was wondering who would be best to judge this, but I was having a problem figuring it out.  And then, it came to me: a nature spirit would be ideal, and I had accidentally summoned one it away...nature spirit.


I’m Earth.  And I.  Put Into.  Third Place (3 points). DelHemar’s Circle.  It Looks. Like It.  Would Lure.  In Something.  Even From.  Else Where.  But It.  Might Catch. A Fae.  More Than.  Summon. One.

i’m water and i feel that the wide variety of animals and offerings by belle are most impressive, and as such she get’s second place(4 points).  also, you can see a relative of mine in the photo.


Thank you, and I release you from your bonds.  What, you were just hanging out and I didn’t summon you?  Fine then...stay if you wish.  From my side of things, here is how I view it.

As always, Janus seems to got himself disqualified again.  He knows what he has done.

In third place (3 points) is DelHemar.  While the circle would likely work well, it isn’t that impressive beyond being made well on a technical sense.  I did like the bit of temptation in the middle of the circle though

In second place (4 points) is Belle.  The circle itself is large and the many components come together to make a very impressive circle.  I noticed that in addition to the various animals there were also a number of temptations for various natural beings to lure them in.

In first place (5 points) is Cressida.  This submission really lured me in with the amount of work that was put into it, and if you haven’t watched it yet, scroll up and enjoy.  It was impressive in how the circle was laid down, which is often just as important as the circle itself.

Now, after a point for participation, that leaves us with

Cressida: 11 points

Belle Vivid: 9 points

DelHemar: 7 points

And for the running totals, here we are:

DelHemar - 236.5

Cressida - 236

Laika en'Naur - 48

Saka - 32

Aeston, Areni, and Gwen - 26.5

Kovaks - 26

Iawen - 20

Bart - 19

Orion - 13

Keras - 13

Tuilli - 11

Vawn- 10

Syruss - 10

Jerrick Jerrickson - 10

Luc-Dubois Coupant - 9

Belle Vivid - 9

Osa - 8

Axel - 7

Rita - 7

Kwido - 6

J'reth - 5

Nalydros - 5

Rosetta - 5

Sagart Hawkshade - 5

Tarun Ul-Sikar - 5

Thayet - 5

Vanduke - 4

King Alexander Cecil - 2.5

Jace - 2

Kara Nithisdottir - 1.5

Thoril - 1.5

See you next week!