
Friday, May 7, 2021

Home Questing Task 28: Results!

 by Christopher "Janus" Donnelly

Hi all, and welcome to Home Questing.  I wanted something upbeat and wholesome this week, so I asked you to submit something you are proud of.  And I really enjoyed seeing what people were proud of.

The first submission was this award from Belle Vivid:

The second submission I received are these creations from Cressida

Our third great submission from DelHemar is this recognition he received: “my weekly d&d table just finished an almost 2 year campaign,  and when I asked what they were interested in next,  they unanimously agreed they wanted to go back to an experimental system I had developed and run 6 or so years ago. When they started talking about the previous game,  telling our new player who wasn't around to experience our first run in that system about it,  it made me really proud that 4-5 years after that game ended they still remember it so fondly. And they would rather play a new game in my system rather than in d&d.”

Our penultimate submission from Kovaks is one of self improvement: “My Improvements to my mental health over the past 10 years”

And last, but not least is Janus’ physical health, which as he put it “I have successfully exercised every day so far this year, and have traveled by foot a total of 545 miles this year so far.”

Everyone who submitted gets full points this week (10 points plus one point for participation), so I will just post the scores so far:

  • Cressida - 258
  • DelHemar - 247.5
  • Laika en'Naur - 48
  • Kovaks - 37
  • Saka - 32
  • Aeston, Areni, and Gwen - 26.5
  • Iawen - 20
  • Belle Vivid - 20
  • Bart - 19
  • Orion - 13
  • Keras - 13
  • Tuilli - 11
  • Vawn - 10
  • Syruss - 10
  • Jerrick Jerrickson - 10
  • Luc-Dubois Coupant - 9
  • Osa - 8
  • Axel - 7
  • Rita - 7
  • Kwido - 6
  • J'reth - 5
  • Nalydros - 5
  • Rosetta - 5
  • Sagart Hawkshade - 5
  • Tarun Ul-Sikar - 5
  • Thayet - 5
  • Vanduke - 4
  • King Alexander Cecil - 2.5
  • Jace - 2
  • Kara Nithisdottir - 1.5
  • Thoril - 1.5

See you next week!