
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Propping Up My Memories Part 1

By Sir Tao Ya Kang (James Murphy)

My memories have been different over the last year or three. Sometimes I must use magic to retain what I think I did, sometimes not even that works. But I get these flashes of memory, things that I did? Places I went? I am not sure, they feel like memories, but why have I forgotten them?

We are in the dark, but five parallel lines glow pale white in the dark along the ground. My bow is in my hand. The bag of arrows at my side, I know them by feel, I know which will destroy armor, which will kill with just a scratch. I have marked them each with my light spell. Sometimes it’s difficult to recover them in the dark. I don’t use them often in the dark, but the danger seems to be all around us.

The front-line moves, I would not want to be them. All the armor, the gear the long weapons, that is not how a hunter fights. Making all that noise, just makes yourself a target. We quickly find a barrier with some kind of puzzle. I am not good at them, so I fade back a bit, always better not to be a target up front.

I hope to make some money on this quest, the crops have not been good for several years, and the rent and taxes are due. It feels like the farm, this land, this country is cursed. I don’t remember if we were hired for this, or just stumbled into doing something. Either or both are possible; but I must find a way to get paid.

We are moving along the lines, a lone note that sounds like it comes from the mouth of hell, full of brass and sound. While I could hear it easily. It sounds likes it comes from far away.

Suddenly non-human shapes in black start to attack us. Without being able to recover arrows I pull my katana, it does not have the reach of the fighters in the front, but it would do. Sometimes I can land a lucky shot. I make sure its sharp whipping the blade with my cloth.

We are trapped within the lines, but the shapes are not. They attack us all up and down the lines from both sides. The fighters can’t be everywhere several of the party go down before we even knew what was happening. I gravitated mostly to the middle, but my left side had a fighter, so I moved a bit to the right. This put me directly on one of the lines. At first, I thought I was hiding as the shapes stopped attacking me. But soon others noted that they were not attacked if they were on the same line. Soon everyone was standing on the same line. Once everyone was either dead or on that line the shapes disappeared.

               With some break from combat, I hoped that someone in the front was working on the puzzle. while we were waiting a few of the pluckier adventures experiment with what happens when they leave the line. Fortunately the shapes do not re-appear. We breath a sigh of relief. After someone in the front solves it the barrier goes down we start pushing forward again.

               The lines continue into the darkness, some in the front move forward and find another barrier, another puzzle. once again from the darkness a single solitary note, a little closer this time. Even with how the first note triggered the shapes to attack we were surprised when they materialized out of the darkness. I quickly went to the same line, and once again they did not attack me. We have got this we just need to stay on this line. Once again someone solves the puzzle the barrier goes down. We move on.

               Now we are all on that line, we are ready, a note sounds, a little closer? But? its, different? The shapes appear and start attacking us. That line is no longer our protection. we dodge back and forth, and I find that I am not attacked if I am on second line from the left this time. but while I was figuring this out there took a blow to the back. Fortunately, my cloak protected me.

               In the next section, the same line was safe again. This might be the pattern; Two to the right, then two to the left. But the next section it was not the safe place. With a flurry of activity everybody tried different things, it was quickly figured out that those in the space all the way to the left were not getting attacked. Once we knew which lane to be in the shapes disappeared.

               Now we had it, and we did several rounds of; solve the puzzle, enter the new area, spread out, wait for the note, find the line of safety. Sometimes it’s the gaps between, sometimes it’s the lines. As we understand the secret, we get better. They make sure that each line and space is covered by someone who can take the hit. I am volunteered due to my magical cloak. I don’t like this; this is a job for hero’s, not a hunter trying to make some money.

               We finally get to what can only be the final puzzle, it’s a board with 5 lines, we also find these round dots that look like they fit either on the lines or in the spaces between. Someone finally gets the idea of matching up the different segments that we went through in order.

“The first note was a G, two from the right, and again the same.”

“Then we went two to the left so that would be a D.”

               I am glad someone knows something about how music is written. I can play my tin whistle, and if I hear a song, I might be able to recreate it, but have no idea of why they keep talking about face, and why kids deserve fudge.  

               Once the puzzle is solved, we enter a large area. In the center is a large person with lots of armor. They also have the weirdest weapon in their hands. It reflects goldish in the dim light. Finally! maybe some treasure! But as the party approaches, they quickly drop the goldish thing and pull out a real weapon and shield. The goldish thing is on some kind of tether so it does not fall far. They yell something about only the song of the stars can defeat them and start attacking.

               Once they pulled the shield, I felt like I lost an opportunity, I should have just shot them while they were unprepared. I have done it before, I will do it again. The front-line surges forward and beats the thing down. I quickly move in to try to search the goldish thing from them. Disappointment, its not gold, but some kind of brass musical instrument. I should have known. While the creature is down, I notice a large sack on its back, but I do not have the opportunity to examine it as I noticed they were counting, and it looked like their wounds and armor were healing.

               “A one, and a two, and a three and a four.”

               They repeated this a few times and get back up. While many of the braver people started to attack them to no effect, they reached into the bag and pulled out a bigger version of the musical instrument. And with a mighty breath sounded a long note. This close the sounds was almost overwhelming. The dark shapes were back, they attacked from all directions. As we were working on pushing them back, we still could not affect the big guy.

               Once the shapes had all been silenced, the big guy once again they yelled something about only small twinkling stars could defeat him and started attacking us again. It seamed a harder fight this time. But once again he was brought down by shear numbers.

               “And a one, and a two, and a three, and a four.”

               While I was able to search the first instrument off the bad guy, the second could not be released from his person. And when he got up and blew the deep note again, the shapes were again back for blood. Each time it seemed like he was harder to take down, but stayed down a little longer each time.

               “And a one, and a two, and a three, and a four.”

               Finally, someone had the thought of playing the song that had been created with the lines and dots. Unfortunately, no one knew how this instrument worked. Someone remembered me and my tin whistle and told me to play the song.

               I did not play well, this instrument had more buttons and valves then I knew what to do with. But I managed it, it was a simple song. Da da de de, ta ta, da and it continued for a bit more.

               It finally died its last. The music had scored the killing blow. It all faded, the shapes, the guy, the instruments. No treasure. I would have to find other ways of making some money.



5 parallel ropes along the ground leading from point a to point b

Out of sight of the party for now, a person plays a long note on a saxophone. The players must be on the line/space of the note being played. NPCs will attack anyone not on the note. They will call no effect to anyone who is on the proper note. Hits/armor to be determined day of.

Get 1000 feet of the cheapest white rope we can find divided into 10 100 foot sections. Every 100 feet have a puzzle while the NPCs move the ropes from the last section to the next section.  Make the puzzles be clues to the song, Twinkle Twinkle little star, the sax player is playing one note at a time. 14 sections are needed to get through the first 4 bars of the song.

The final puzzle will be blank music score that the party must put notes on, repeat the sequence that was played.

The sax player will be the final boss. Lots of armor, sword and board. Will start the encounter with the tenor sax in their hands. Will drop it (tether it so it does not drop to the ground)  Once the NPCis down they will start counting. “and a 1 and a 2 and a 3 and a 4. When they get up they will blow a single note on the sax and the NPCs will start attacking the party again. Once the tenor sax is searched off of them, they will have a base sax in a bag on there back. This sax will not be able to be searched off of them, and they will use that to sound the note that wakes up the NPCs. each time they will take a little longer to get up, but have another point of armor. So more rest but harder to take down. They will keep getting up until the song is played on the saxophone while they are down. It does not have to be good, just recognizable. Someone in the party has to try to play the tenor sax. Probably need Pat to be the NPC here, though it might be a little funnier if he was playing but transformed.