
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Regarding Rumors for June and July 1021

 Hi everyone,

You may have noticed that I did not publish any rumors this month. I will admit to that being somewhat of an oversight on my part, but a lack of content was also a contributing factor. The past twelve months have been tough for the rumormongering industry and I deeply appreciate everyone who has contributed to the lists recently. In particular, I would like to give extra special thanks to Cal "Syruss" O'leary, Mark "Viktor" Morgan, and Janna "Iawen" Oakfellow-Pushee for each being a reliable source of rumors when there were few other things to write about.

It pains me to break my streak of 42 consecutive months (three and half years!) of publishing monthly rumors, but I can assure you that this particular rumor mill is not closing down any time soon. With new events on the calendar, I expect that business will be booming in July!

As we get back into the swing of things, I'd also like to share some background information on my process. I've shared this information with individuals who have asked about it, but I've never taken the time to share it more broadly.

  • I put out a Call for Rumors on the First Monday of the month to the OOC mailing list (and occasionally other platforms).
  • I publish the list of rumors about one week after the Call for Rumors to the IC mailing list and here on the View from Valehaven. In the Before Times, Rumors always went out on Fridays; that became less true as the View ramped up its own content production during the lockdown, but I still aimed for publication early in the following week.
  • I will always accept new rumors at any time. If you have something you want to send to me before you forget about it, I will absolutely take it.
  • I accept rumors through a variety of means, including email, social media, and Discord. If you can contact me through a system, I will accept a rumor through it.
If you are planning on throwing an event in the next few months, consider coming up with a rumor or two. Rumors are a great way to drop hooks into your plot, to build up the world around you, and to get people excited for your upcoming content!

Thank you all for your ongoing support. I'll see you again soon!

Ryan "Orion" Welch
Unofficial Realms Rumormonger