
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

WYM - Trial of the Gods: Welcome to Camp Despair (photos)

 Photos and captions by Steve Sanford 

"Friendly" Head Camp Counselor Despair

The Campers of the Realms first team breaking exercise is the Blind obstacle course!

Our lovely campers having fun killing each other playing deadly dodgeball.

A Happy Camper about to show her luck at Rexan Roulette!

The Campers journeyed into the mysts and were met with some skeletons

The next team breaking exercise, Despair's Play

New Adventurers trying to pick up Blue never gets old.

Campers fell into yet another dangerous bear pit.

Happy Campers throwing their equipment up to be pulled out of the pit

The Happy Campers journey across the lake to see the Very Voluptuous Loch Ness Monsters.