
Friday, September 17, 2021

Rumors for September 1021

[Across the Realms]

All those who have ever crossed over the Vanfrost to Norlund continue to experience the vague dreams they have been having for months. Threads spill out over the multiverse to an impossibly large loom. Those in the dream have found that they have the ability to lay their hands on the loom and move the shuttle, realizing each time they pluck a thread the reverberation spreads throughout all the lands of Norlund. Perhaps with a bit more practice, they think, they can make their will manifest. But the dream never lasts beyond this thought.


Militia scouts report the Mysts have receded from the lands now known to have contained the village of Red Water. At least one of their missing compatriots was found alive and is recovering from the experience at home.


Peasants in northwestern Chimeron have reported a brown bear politely walking up to them and asking for food. With words. Those wise enough to gift the bear with food report not having their limbs eaten.

[Teng Hua]

Rumor has it that the Trainer's Association of Teng Hua is considering a rule change to allow mainland trainers to participate in the Spring Yosei Tournaments. 


Ginger was seized from a ship leaving the Outside Passage in Teng Hua.  The export is strictly prohibited and no one has heard of any attempt to do so in decades.  Elders grumble and blame the mainlanders. 


A sudden unexpected storm damaged much of the Sato family's fleet. Rumor has it that Wujen may have influenced the weather. 


Tea and flower valuations unexpectedly increased last season.  These commodities were expected to do poorly as the recent wave of illness caused many festivals to be canceled.  However, the Yoshida family is highly regarded so many chose to buy extra elaborate tomb flowers to support them.  Nobel women also appreciated the excuse to buy expensive fragrant oils from them. 


Rice and vegetable prices are up, but profits are still down.  Lack of labor may result in a portion of this year's harvest rotting in the fields.