
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Why I Want to Go: Feast of Blackwood- a Tale of Two Feasts

 “Why I Wanna Go: A Tale of Two Feasts”

        By: Sir Tempest 

Off to Blackwood I always go

Taking the paths in stride and toe

Watching for Bee’s with every swift move

Walking with the tree’s breezy grove

Why do I go to Blackwood?

Oh, well, they’re misunderstood.

Every year they make a feast for us 

A kitchen lead strong by Sir Mathies

But, something they always forget to tell us

A problem they wait til Friday night to discuss

A problem in Blackwood, oh me, oh my.

Adventures there to hear the nations cry,

For aid Prince Saegan calls,

“Come adventures crawl, run, kick, don’t stall!

I need help from far, wide, and all!”

Of course we come, as true we are,

A problem in Blackwood is never bizarre.

We will solve it no doubt, 

In no time you see.

Because Sunday is for Family.

Friday we fight

Saturday we trek with fuel and might

Sunday we dress, drink, and reserve our right,

To laugh, love, and talk well into the night.

Why do I go to Blackwood?

You see…

It's tradition to save the nation with spells, 

weapons, and…
