
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Why I Want to Go to Exotic Items, Creatures, & Wares 3.5

Would you like to crush countless undead under the weight of your sword? Would you like to safeguard the venerable and storied nation of Stonewood? Would you like to help destroy a demonic blade and thwart the plans of the despotic beings working in the shadows? Would you like to rally to the side of the heroic and beloved James Swift and help him save the day?

Then it sounds like you, much like myself, want to go to Exotic Items, Creatures, & Wares 3.5

While there have been a few adventures since things have opened back up again, there are several of us who have yet to dust off our armor or our spell books and get out there back to the time-honored trade of killing monsters and taking their stuff. What better time than now? And what makes all of this extra exciting? A brand new event site! A Theatre House in Vermont? Consider my curiosity piqued!

It looks like it is going to be a perfect day out so throw on that autumn garb, grab your gear, and lets save a little village in Stonewood, beat on some bad guys, and advance the overall plot towards it’s demon-filled conclusion!