
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Why I Want to Go to Exotic Wares this weekend:

 by Tim Suitor (James Swift)


I have already reached out to the adventurers of the Realms for aid in this endeavor, but with the time drawing near, I call out for help again.  Sometimes we have the opportunity to do some good, or at least remove some evil, from the world.  We have the chance to purge the evil from a wretched sword, and remove several powerful and malicious beings from the world.  

The lands I call home are an… exciting place.  It will not be an easy day, a conflux of occurrences like this in Stonewood seldom is.  But if you can muster yourself to face the dangers, please join me, and help not just me, but the people of Stonewood.

I have sent what fortifications I can to the town to keep it safe for our arrival, and they should get by, but when we get there, we will be able to turn the tide of battle, and defeat the evils coming into our land, defeat the evil of the sword Shadow Fang, and seal the portal. .

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out, if you'll be there, please let me know so I can plan for it.


James Swift

Magi of the Realms

Cofounder of the Loken-Swift Library

Head Counselor of Camp Hope

Stablemaster of Stonewood

Honorable Cardinal of Chaos


 I am not on staff.  I am not a PC-NPC at this event, I am a full player.  And that for me is one of the big reasons I am as excited and nervous as I am.  Unfortunately, a tragic part of joining a nation is that you often end up NPCing for them forever.  I have NPCed and Event Held with Travis for years.  But I loved Travis’s style and events long before I joined his nation, and the giddy excitement and trepidation of going to an event where there are actual consequences for actions has had me buzzing for the last month and a half.

This event is dredging up an old event series because my character acquired an evil magic sword and is trying to make it less evil.  After a good while of working on it, the Marshal for this plot decided what I was trying to do was to big for just Roleplaying or even a miniquest, so Travis is throwing an entire event for it.  Which I hella appreciate.  To be clear, this also isnt Travis helping his buddy Tim out.  I’ve seen him do similar for other players who want to run with something particular from his plot, and I promise that this hasnt been easy, I’ve had months of homework I’ve been working on, which hopefully will all pay off, but also, I’ll be paying back In Character debts for the next year, including needing to write one of the Stonewood gods a 50 page novel!  But hey, I have the support of the god of Knowledge!

If you are interested, please reach out to me, and if you plan on going, the Event Holder Travis Wilcox does need full Magic and Item Prereg, or things wont work!

You want to earn a “James Swift: I owe you one”?  Come to Exotic Wares!