
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Ballad of Sir Vawn, Avatar of Vandor

by High Priestess Kindrianna Athame (Renee Booke)

The Summerlands beckon to the souls of the true,

The greatest of heroes who saw their deeds through.

They come with their honor to the codes that they swore,

And now our Sir Vawn stands tall at their door.

True to himself, both in word and in deed,

White Knight of the Realms when she was in need.

Heart full of valor, a path without fear,

His life and his courage have led him straight here.

The next journey waits just beyond golden trees,

In a land full of hope and sparkling seas.

Vawn, you have earned your peace and your rest,

And those that have known you are eternally blessed.

Templar and Knight, defender and friend,

May songs of your deeds never come to an end.

The darkness still fears you, and has for so long,

For the blade in your hand shines righteous and strong.

We’ll try not to mourn as we celebrate your life,

Free from the mortal-bound cycle of strife.

But the most important thing you should know,

All along it was your Light that helped us to grow.

You were there by our side when Wayland’s fortress fell,

And a swift wave of Bedlam began to rain hell.

Not once did you hesitate, you jumped in the fray,

For a true Knight knows no other way.

May Vandor’s warm light guide you as you roam,

Carry Eagle’s Rook with you forever as home.

And should evil strike, putting us to the test,

Then your soul will cry out to complete one last quest.

Watch over us all from your paradise,

And be with us always when we need advice.

It’s hard to be happy while watching you go,

But you’re with the Gods now and we’re down below.