
Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 Why I Want To Go to A Very Merry Yule At Crazy Uncle Cecil’s Tavern: Fifteen Years and Going Strong!

By Ryan “Orion” Welch

It’s time for another Uncle Cecil’s Crazy Tavern! Except only kind of because the name changes every year. This year’s acronym is CUCT but nobody uses that because they don’t want to get confused with the off-brand HVAC adhesive CUCT TAPE. I don’t recommend using CUCT TAPE on your boffers; you can’t trust any product that uses a goose as their mascot.

The staff has worked so hard to maintain this tradition while faced with a hand of fate which seems determined to take these good times away from us. Besides, let’s be honest with ourselves for a moment: were you really looking forward to going questing in the cold, wet, mushy snow? No, I didn’t think so. Better to stay inside where it’s warm and dry. The site will be damp, but you don’t have to be!

Now with it being Yule and all, it seems appropriate that I give you all a present. That’s ok, you can open it now. What is it? It’s the gift of knowledge! Secret knowledge! An answer to the question that has plagued us for weeks: What are the Yuleympics??? I can tell you this: Pater Yule's Holiday Helper, Florentine Fizzysocks will be taking a break from managing the workshop to bring us some Yuleympics! We’ll be able to compete with and against friends in seasonal contests and games! Many Bothans died to bring us this information; make sure you honor their sacrifice by entering into the Yuleumpics. 

I love UCCT! It’s a great way to celebrate the end of the year with all of my favorite people. So what if the site is different and the format is a bit shorter? We’ll still be together, and that’s what Yule is all about!