
Thursday, January 20, 2022

From Leviathan - Banana Dragons from the Adventurer's Guild

From the Adventurer's Guild: Contestants were tasked with making a banana look like a dragon, while limited in the supplies they could use to an odd smattering of children’s crafts and office supplies. 

(note, some dragons sustained some damage in transportation to the display area. The Adventurers Guild takes full responsibility for these bruised bananas)

These dragons are B A N A N A S!

Let's take a look at all of the entrants in the challenge. Commentary by View Staff.

Ryu's interpretation of a dragon was very classical. The wings are textbook and the fire drives it home. The scales, in particular, draw the viewer into the illusion of understanding its draconic might.

Laika's dragon has some interesting elements to it. The bulbous eyeball is striking. The scales across the back are a tasteful, muted touch. One's eye is drawn to the eruption of fire from this beast.

Ren's very different interpretation of wings really sets this dragon apart. Also, the extra care put into the front legs is apparent. The eyes of this dragon stare into your very soul and there is also a rare use of splitting the banana itself to make the mouth.

With a bit of a minimalist approach, Toah was able to create wings using a much different mechanism than his competitors. Again the use of fire is a common element (pun intended) and the green legs 

As one would expect from Osric, extra care was put into the wings of this dragon, mirrored by the effort in the tail. The dual color motif really sets this one apart. The head as well is a stunning addition to this beast with the puff-ball eyes and paper making a convincing visage.

Rani's interpretation is very unique. The large puffball between two popsicle-sticks is the most interesting depiction of a head we have seen so far. The wings in particular are massive and whimsical. The touch of a scale pattern is also a very artistic touch.

Tony has some very interesting elements on this dragon. The wings are understated, small in size but the striking use of color makes them stand out. The tail as a puff ball is unique asl well. The head really shines in this model, with the paper eyes and mouth really conveying emotion.

Dani really brought it all out in this model. The use of color, form, distribution of parts. It's like Mardi Gras meets a dragon meets a banana. The use of the colored paper clips, twisted pipe cleaners, puffs, everything about this dragon stands out.

The three dragons below all tied for getting first place points in the competition.

Killian really went bananas on this big lizard. The spine along the back certainly stands out and that along with the drawn scale pattern leave no doubt that you are looking at a dragon. The eye is very expressive as well. The wings and tail are extravagant. Overall a masterpiece.

James Swift really goes next level on this dragon. The limitation was to use children's art supplies and by using the tape holder to make a very convincing head, along with that striking purple eye, he really showed the value of thinking outside the box. A final masterful touch was using a clip to create a pose to the dragon's leg. Well done!

Last but not least we have this entry from Baron Diamond. We see the slicing the banana technique to see several elements of a molded face along with an array of flames erupting forth. The wings are crafted with a lot of fine detail, using strips of paper to create depth, and the final touch of clips in order to represent claws is an important detail.